Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Healthy Super Food Green Bananas

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness Podcast I’m talking with Author, Chef and Green Banana expert Susan Damas about how this superfood can help you lose weight, maintain blood sugar levels, give you more energy and more. If you’re like me and you never really gave green bananas a second thought you’ll want to check out what Susan has to say on the show today.


[wptab name='About Susan']

Susan DamasAbout Susan

Susan is originally from Tanzania. Green bananas are a staple of the diet there. It's a very functional and practical food in Tanzania. When she came to the United States she was surprised that she was unable to find green bananas in the larger supermarkets.

She is a chef and author of the Green Banana CookBook. She works to help educate families, children and athletes about the health benefits of super food green bananas.


[wptab name='Green Banana Benefits']

Green Bananas Can Help with Weight Loss

super food green bananasGreen bananas are a super food. They contain a resistant starch with amazing health benefits. Unlike the starch you find in potatoes resistant starch has been shown to block the bodies ability to burn carbohydrates for energy. If the body can't burn carbohydrates for energy it's forced to burn fat resulting in weight loss benefits. Additionally, as a high fiber food, green bananas can help you feel full and reduce your caloric intake.

The resistant starch found in green bananas have also been shown to increase insulin sensitivity which can help those with type two diabetes control their blood sugar levels better.

Green Bananas for Athletes

Green bananas are an excellent "pre-workout" food because they keep you full and the energy does not kick in right away. Green bananas can help you by providing the sustained energy you need to get through your workout.

Good for Children and Moms

This is an excellent super food for children and can help them sleep through the night. Something Susan reminds us is also very good for the mother too :-)

Good for Probiotic Bacteria

The resistant starch found in green bananas has also been shown to be good food for probiotic bacteria which assists in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Other benefits people report from eating green bananas

  • more energy

  • better sleep

  • more regular

  • weightloss

  • good source of vitamin B6, vitamin C and potassium

  • relief from constipation


[wptab name='Cooking with Green Bananas']

The Green Banana CookBook

Green Banana Cook BookSusan has written a cookbook that shows you how to incorporate green bananas into your meal planning at home.

In her book “Green Banana Cookbook.” She offers over 40 yummy recipes that can work to help families eat healthy and provide athletes with the required energy to do what they do.

If you would like to get a copy of Susan's book you can get it by emailing her at:

You can also purchase a copy of her book through Amazon or at Barnes and Noble.

If you want to get Green Bananas check health food stores, Whole Foods or ethnic type stores in your area.



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