Sunday, September 28, 2014

10 Funky Fad Diets

Fad Diets

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness Podcast I am really happy to welcome Jessica Bailey back to the show to explore some more funky fads with me. This time Jessica and I take a look at 10 of the Funkiest Fad Diets we could find. Some of these don’t even contain food!

On today’s show you’ll learn...

  • just how far some people will go to lose weight,

  • how dangerous some extreme diets can be

  • and that even a diet that works and really does help you lose weight may come at a tremendous cost to your overall health.

Call the Show! 1-207-370-9797

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[wptab name='About Jessica']

About Jessica


Jessica BaileyJessica Bailey has been an active member in the fitness community of New York City for almost 15 years. As a certified fitness instructor, she’s taught at Physique 57, Exhale Spa, Pure , and many more. As a personal trainer, she’s helped hundreds of people lose weight, get fit and train for various athletic events. She is certified in group fitness, senior fitness, Pilates, and yoga; she’s also been trained in Barre, “bootcamp” and pre/post natal fitness.


[wptab name='Fad Diets']

 1 The Hollywood Diet

The Hollywood diet is a liquid diet, and promises extreme weight loss in a short period of time. You buy $25 dollars per bottle for the Hollywood juice, which you drink four times a day with water. It sounds too good to be true, and it probably is, but the Hollywood 48-Hour Miracle Diet claims that it can help you to achieve a significant weight loss in just 2 days.

#2 The Twinkie Diet

CNN reported on the Twinkie Diet, a diet consisting primarly of junk food and Twinkies.
For 10 weeks, Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, ate one of these sugary cakelets every three hours, instead of meals. To add variety in his steady stream of Hostess and Little Debbie snacks, Haub munched on Doritos chips, sugary cereals and Oreos, too.

His premise: That in weight loss, pure calorie counting is what matters most -- not the nutritional value of the food.

The premise held up: On his "convenience store diet," he shed 27 pounds in two months.

Read more at CNN

#3 The Cabbage Soup Diet

cabbage-433944_1280The Cabbage soup diet is a radical weight loss diet designed around heavy consumption of a low-calorie cabbage soup (yuck!) The diet lasts seven days. The diet is actually surprisingly popular and has spawned a whole slew of similar fads. The diet is almost universally condemned by doctors as it lacks any substantial nutrition and the weight loss it causes is mostly water-loss not fat-loss, and is, therefore, not permanent. Most people trying this diet lose energy and experience light-headedness. The most common side effect is flatulence – a lot of it.

#4 The Cigarette Diet

Sad but true people actually smoke to lose weight. Although it is true that nicotine acts as something of an appetite suppressant, lung cancer and emphysema are not good trade-offs for weight loss. Way back several cigarette companies boasted the appetite-suppressing qualities of their products. One ad for Lucky Strikes urged smokers to "Light a Lucky and you’ll never miss sweets that make you fat."

#5 The Pink Method

Pink stands for, Power,Intensity ,Nutrtion, Kardio. This method basically has you starve yourself while at the same time engaging in very high intensity and strenuous activity. Worse yet, there are very few details about this diet available until after you pay. What does that tell you?

#6 Fruitarianism

Fruitarianism is a diet where you just eat fruit, though some people whose diet is not 100% fruit, consider themselves fruitarian, if their diet is 75% or more fruit. One caution about eating just fruit is that you may miss out on certain nutritents that are difficult to get from fruit alone.  A fruitarian diet can cause deficiencies in calcium, protein, iron, zinc, vitamin D, most B vitamins (especially B-12), and essential fatty acids. Additionally, the Health Promotion Program at Columbia reports that food restrictions in general may lead to hunger, cravings, food obsessions, social disruptions and social isolation. Gandhi followed a fruit-only diet from time to time, but eventually gave it up due it being unsustainable.

sleep-330869_640#7 Sleeping Beauty Diet

A popular diet that Elvis was a fan of. After being put under heavy sedation you are put to sleep for a long period of time and because you're not taking in calories you lose weight. While sleep is important this diet is taking things to the extreme. There is no information available to show that this diet was even successful. very, very quiet she's dieting!

#8 The Vision Diet

These goggles make food look bigger, less appealing (if unhealthy) and more appealing (if healthy). The downside? You look like a dork on your date!

#9 The Cotton Ball Diet

Ok, this isn't even a food. Believe or not some people have coated cotton balls in juice and then consumed them to reduce calories and lose weight.

#10 Breatharianism

Breatharianism is the belief that it is possible for a person to live without consuming food. Breatharians claim that food, and in some cases water, are not necessary for survival, and that humans can be sustained solely by prana, the vital life force in Hinduism.  If fact 60 minutes was planning to interview an Australian woman named Jasmuheen who claimed to be a Breatharian. Unfortunately her test to demonstrate breatharianism was called off when, after four days, she became severely dehydrated.


For more weird diets check out 15 Most Bizarre Diets in History by Woman's Day





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iTunes   Podcasts   Outside Health and Fitness by Steve StearnsInspires to take a different approach on fitness      

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What a fresh, fun podcast! Anything that has to do with staying active outside is Steve's passion. From skiiing to hiking, and from mountain biking to nutrition for optimal performance, Steve, and his collection of experts he interviews make it a great way to learn what you need to know!


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Sunday, September 14, 2014

What To Eat for Peak Race Performance

Eating for Peak Race Performance

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness Podcast I am happy to welcome back Joanna Chodorowska. You might remember Joanna from Episode 82 when she was on helping us understand why staying properly hydraded is critical for performance and overalll health. Today she’s back to talk about the importance of race day nutrition.

On today’s show you’ll learn...

  • important it is to dial in your nutrition long before race day;

  • ...what to eat on race day to perform your best (if you’re thinking huge amounts of spaghetti you might be surprised to hear what Joanna shares....)

  • ...and how to recover properly after your race is over.

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