Sunday, August 18, 2013

Overlooked Mountain Bike Benefits

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast we’re going talk about benefits of Mountain Biking that are often overlooked. Then we’re going to check out an unusual sport that tests your balance and your guts when we go “Way-Outside”. I’ll share how the blues can help you reduce your appetite in the Outside Weightloss segment and I’ll throw down a fitness challenge to keep you focused and motivated to get outside and in-shape this week.


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[wptab name='Mountain Bike']

Overlooked Benefits of Mountain Biking

Mountain Bike BenefitsSure we all know that mountain biking is fun and it’s a good cardiovascular workout but what else? What are some of the other reasons people love mountain biking? Well, there are a bunch of really cool and unique benefits you get from riding mountain bikes that are often overlooked.

See New Places

Because your mountain bike is low profile and can carry you further than you can go on foot your options for discovery are wide open! I been to so many really cool places that I probably would never have had the opportunity to see because of my bike.

The options are wide open....trails, woods, along streams, down to the ocean up to the mountains just about anywhere you want to go. You can get there on a mountain bike.

See Wildlife

In general mountain bikes can be a very stealthy way to travel through the woods. Without even trying, I've seen a bunch of wildlife while out riding. I’ve seen moose, turkeys, deer, fox and all sorts of animals out on the trail.

Makes You Feel Better

If you’re stressed or if you had a bad day hitting the trail on your mountain bike can make you feel better and forget your worries for a while. I am so lucky to live and work in a place with plenty of mountain bike trails. In fact, a lot of times I'll leave work and ride some trails before I get home. It's a great way to unwind from the day get in a little exercise and improve my mood.

Less Discomfort

I have a road bike and while I enjoy riding it I prefer my mountain bike. For many of the reasons I've already mentioned and because my mountain bike doesn't cause the same kind of discomfort I feel from my road bike.

Joints Feel Better

Mountain biking is a pretty low impact sport (if you're not running into trees that is). Sure, you can feel some soreness after a hard ride but you don't have the same pain in your joints you may experience after a long run or after other activities that are more jarring on the body.


Most of all I enjoy the freedom of mountain biking. Sometimes, I like to put my bike on my car and just drive, looking for trails and new adventures. It's a very liberating feeling to just go and's what I used to so when I was a kid and it makes me feel that way again.

So there you have it....if you haven't tried mountain biking before I would encourage you to give it a try so you can...

  • ...see new places

  • ...see Wildlfife

  • ...feel better and enjoy the freedom that comes with exploring and getting out on the trail.


[wptab name='Slacklining']


SlackliningSo what is it? It's kind of like doing Yoga on a clothes line.

Well a better definition is that it’s a balance sport done on a thin line suspended between two points (a lot of slackliners use trees). Slacklining is distinct from tightrope walking because the line is not taut, it’s looser, bounces and acts more similarly to a thin trampoline.

According to Gibbon Slacklines

"This unique sport was concieved in climbing camps in Yosemite during the mid seventies. During downtime climbers would rig their climbing ropes between trees and practice walking across them. They found that the activity helped improve their balance, strength and core. They also found it was a lot of fun!"

Since the early days of slacklining the sport has produced various off- shoots like slack line yoga, tricklining and extreme highlining.


Beleive it or not some people become so comfortable balancing on a slackline that they desire more of a challenge. Slackline Yoga is just the challenge they’re looking for.

Doing Yoga on a Slackline is a mental and physical challenge that takes both the sport of slacklining and yoga to a new level of balance, flexibility and strength.

I found a very nice site that offers some more in-depth information about slack line yoga called, you guessed it .

Extreme Highlining

Well for one this it’s extreme because it’s slacklining hundreds (thousands) of feet off the ground!


As amazing as all of this slacklining is, for me the most exciting and unbelievable form is trickling. These guys and gals, flip, spin and fly high bouncing off slacklines and land on their feet on the line to do it all again. The have amazing balance and agility. You need to check out this video to really appreciate what they do.

What do I need?

To get started you need a slackline setup and you can find either the individual parts or entire kits online or at sporting goods stores like REI or EMS in the states.

For more slacklining equipment and resources check out the selection at amazon.

I found a good site for beginners that offers some tips for mounting and dismounting, turning and walking on line at if you’re interested in learning more.


[wptab name='Colors']

color appetite suppresentThis week in the Outside Weightloss Segment we’re looking at a small change you can make outside your normal routine that can result in better health and weight management.

This week's Outside weighltloss tip is all about color and how different colors can trigger or suppress your appetite.

The Best Color to Suppress your Appetite

There have been studies that show food served on blue plates caused people to eat less.

So why is that? Well...if you think about it aside from Blueberries (which are really purple anyway) there aren’t natural blue foods. Additionally, blue can be associated with spoiling and danger so we’re pre-wired to suppress appetite when we’re seeing blue. (You know you’ve seen meat that has that blue tint to it right?’s probably bad!)

Colors That Increase Your Appetite

Now, on the flip side we’re drawn to yellow, orange and red as colors that stimulate our appetite. If you consider the color scheme of MacDonald’s (the Golden Yellow Arches standing there stimulating your appetite for a burger).

We have a coffee shop chain here in the North Eastern part of the US called Dunkin Donuts and they’re big on Orange. These resteraunt chains understand the power color hason your appetite and they use it to their advantage.

So if you want to turn the tables and limit the amount you eat try:

  • covering your table with a blue table cloth,

  • putting your food on a blue plate,

  • and using blue napkins.

Don’t sing the blues at your next off of may find you eat less and make some good progress on your weightloss goals.


[wptab name='Fitness Challenge']

Try Something New

This week your challenge is to try something new and different that you've never tried before. Maybe it's slacklining or mountain biking, perhaps Yoga or trail running, what about stand up paddle boarding or disc golf?.

Whatever it is, stretch your boundaries, breathe some new life into your outdoor pursuits and potentially find your next new passion.

Take a picture of your new activity and send it in. I'd love to collect all of your success and different ideas and share them with everyone else!



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  1. It's actually a great aand helpful piece oof info. I'm glad that you just shared this useful info
    with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for

  2. My pleasure. Glad you got some motivation from it :-)
