Sunday, January 26, 2014

Following a Path to Perfect Health

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness Podcast I get a chance to talk with Deborah Devar about the Path to Perfect health. I learned a lot from Deborah in this interview and she really opened my eyes to some of the alternative options we all should investigate to ensure we’re making the best choices possible for our health and well being.


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[wptab name='About Deborah']

deborah devarDeborah Devar is a Holistic Health expert with over 35 years of experience, including establishing and operating a state-licensed holistic health care college and authoring the book "Path to Perfect Health", an instructional guide to natural healing.

Deborah is amazing in fact she spent 28 years doing controlled field study and clinical research which has resulted in a wealth of information, discoveries and the formulation of essential oils  that support the bodies ability to heal itself. Essential oils are amazing in their ability to help support the bodies healing process. They are effective, safe, easy to use and inexpensive.

Beyond the power of essential oils, Deborah's research also demonstrated that our bodies are "an old model" and haven't yet adapted to all of the chemicals, additives, preservatives and other man-made chemicals found in packaged and processed food products. Our bodies will adapt over many generations but haven't adapted to these chemicals at this point which is the basis for much of the sickness and illness we're dealing with now.

[cryout-pullquote align="right" textalign="center" width="33%"]The more we incorporate naturally grown fruits, vegetables, sprouts, herbs our body has the elements for a healthier cellular duplication every 24 hours.  [/cryout-pullquote]

People are not healing in our conventional medical system. They are managing sickness for a period of time. This is why Deborah wanted to conduct a lengthy experiment over a substantial period of time with human beings to determine what happens when you choose to support the body in healing itself.


[wptab name='Essential Oils']

nerve cellThrough out her studies she continuously came back to essential oils as a major part of supporting the body. They are easy to use, affordable, incredibly powerful, have immediate results and have no side effects.

Essential oils are derived from nature and are 300 times more potent than the natural plant, herb, etc they are distilled from. Essential oils are in perfect harmony with our bio-chemistry.

What's the most dramatic result you've seen from the use of essential oils?

The mother of a boy who had been in a motorcycle accident contacted Deborah for help. She met with the young man, then 26 and developed the "nerve cell" formula. [cryout-pullquote align="right" textalign="center" width="33%"]"We are foolish to believe that since the body created itself out of two cells and a spark of energy in nine months that it would not have the repair guide." - Deborah Devar [/cryout-pullquote] The young man was eating fresh fruits and vegetables and had great faith in the bodies ability to heal itself. After 3 weeks his body repaired itself to the point he was able to walk again!

Deborah has also seen great benefits from essential oils with her own family and one year even help get to get 200 kids to "put away the riddlin"!

On their own essential oils are just a band-aid but combined with the right nutrition, ATP and exercise miracles can happen. It's how the body designed itself and created itself.

Most of us were never taught that our bodies could heal on it's own. The movie "Simply Raw" is an excellent example of not only what the body is capable of but how we've been shielded from this truth.


[wptab name='Delivery of Oils']

The essentials are delivered in three, simple and different ways.

essential oil deliveryInstant Message Delivery System

Central nervous system. The thalamus and hypothalamus are the regulatory way stations receiving all sensory signals in the brain. The essential oil sends a signal through the hind brain, making its way up to the frontal cortex where it will finally register as a conscious thought.*

Email Delivery System

Endocrine System The hypothalamus sends a message to the pituitary gland, which sends a message to a specific organ system telling it to start or stop excreting signals. *

Local to Local Delivery

Skin sensory system. Apply drops directly to thhe location to assist the area and don't forget to always inhale.

Benefits of Essentials Oils

Botanicals in general work in a very different way than conventional drugs because they work in harmony with the system, they support the healing process. The essential oils that Deborah has formulated have been labeled and categorized in a very easy and simple manner to limit confusion.

* - from the Path to Perfect Health pamphlet


[wptab name='Path to Perfect Health']

The Path to Perfect Health

Path to Perfect HealthFind out more about Deborah or contact her through The Path to Perfect Health

Follow the Path to Perfect Health on Facebook




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