Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Amazing Benefits of a Raw Food Diet

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness Podcast I’m excited to welcome Deborah Devar back to the show. As you may recall, Deborah is Holistic Health expert with over 35 years of experience. She runs the Path to Perfect health and when she was last on the show shared some amazing information about the benefits of essential oils. Today she is back to help us learn about how eating a raw food diet can have a big positive impact on our health.


[wptab name='About Deborah']

About Deborah

Deborah DevarDeborah Devar is a Holistic Health expert with over 35 years of experience, including establishing and operating a state-licensed holistic health care college and authoring the book “Path to Perfect Health”, an instructional guide to natural healing.

Deborah is amazing in fact she spent 28 years doing controlled field study and clinical research which has resulted in a wealth of information, discoveries and the formulation of essential oils  that support the bodies ability to heal itself. Essential oils are amazing in their ability to help support the bodies healing process.


[wptab name='What is Eating Raw']

What is eating raw?

Raw Food DietWhen they first hear about it many people think eating raw is about eating raw and uncooked meat. It's really about eating natural and raw fruits and vegetables. Raw fruits and vegetables offer more complete nutrition that eating packaged and processed foods. Additionally, when fruits and vegetables are cooked at over 118 degrees many of the valuable enzymes and vitamins they contain are lost.

Without the necessary enzymes naturally found in food we need to really more on our bodies' stores of enzymes in order to digest the food. In addition, because much of the cooked and processed food we eat is lacking the nutrition we need we eat more. As a result, our diets become a quantity vs quality situation.

How does someone incorporate a raw food diet?

Switching to a raw and all natural fruit and vegetable diet can be an adjustment for some because our digest tracts have gotten lazy. Everyone is different and coming to a raw diet from a different dietary point. If you are someone who has a lot of toxins in the body you'll want to ease into a raw food diet more slowly.

In fact, when you start a diet of raw fruits and vegetables it can result in the body detoxifying pretty quickly. The result of which can be flu like symptoms. Many people misinterpret this reaction as "getting sick" when in fact, it's the result of the detoxification.

When you consider the Standard American Diet (SAD) it's amazing how well we do on very little nutrition at all.


[wptab name='Benefits']

What are something of the benefits people can expect from switching over to a raw food diet?

Growing Vegetables for a Raw Food dietFirst of all more nutrients and quality nutrition for less money. It's easier because you're not needing to cook and your kitchen set up can be really simple. Your food tastes better and you feel better.

Is it a hard diet to maintain?

It's not hard to stick with even if you're eating out. Most of the time you can find substitutes and if not, you can even allow yourself to consume something other than raw occasionally. Once you are eating well and providing your body with the nutrition it needs a break occasionally isn't going to hurt you.

What are the downsides to a raw food diet?

Sometimes access to organic whole foods can be a challenge. It's also important to know how the raw food you're consuming was grown. Most people will need to rely on store bought produce or produce purchased from farmer's markets. It is possible to learn to grow your own food as well. In fact, there are even techniques that will allow you to grow food year round.

Deborah's System for Cleaning and Enriching Raw Vegetables

This simple system rehydrates vegetables with 96 live electrical minerals while, at the same time kelating (or leaching out) all of the herbicides, pesticides, spray growth hormones and fungicides. It not only cleans your vegetables but it also loads them up with essential minerals at the same time.

Here's how it works:

Dissolve a quarter teaspoon of Himalayan Sea Salts or Solar Sea Salts in a kitchen sink filled with cold water. Separate your leafy greens, beet tops and herbs. You could even include carrots and apples. Soak your produce in the sink for about 20 minutes.


Fermenting helps to provide good bacteria and enzymes you need for good digestion. While fermenting food may sound a little scary it's important to remember that this is a process that has been used for more than 2000 years. There are plenty of information on the internet that can teach you how to ferment food safely.

[cryout-pullquote align="right" textalign="center" width="33%"] "It's not hard, it's just a transition. It's more of letting go of what you always believed a meal to be." - Deborah Devar


What about Juicing?

You can use either a juicer or a blender (if you have a good one). It's important to go easy on the fruit because there is a bit of sugar in fruit. Deborah has some good juicing recipes on her site.

Can a Raw Food Diet be Tasty?

Raw food is a real art and with practice you can produce a wide variety of delicious dishes.


[wptab name='Getting Started']

How does someone get started?

preparing a raw food dietAre there resources available? Pinterest is a great source for raw food recipes. There are also a lot of raw recipe books. There is a little bit of preparation that is required when you're planning a raw food diet.

After soaking your produce in the sink store it in glass jars or bins that allow you to see what you have. Another important tip is to clean out your house of the processed and prepared foods you're working to avoid.

Chopping dry vegetables like broccoli and carrots ahead of time saves time later when preparing a meal. With some prep ahead of time it's easy to "whip" up an amazing meal in no time.

Get the entire family involved. The kids love to grow their own food, go to the market and then help prepare food for the week.

The other benefit of a raw food diet comes in the way of savings. A raw food diet could end up saving a family some significant money on a weekly basis.

[wptab name='Resources']

PTPH_ad1rev3150Follow Deborah " The Path to Perfect Health"

Raw Food Recipes on Pinterest 



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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Naturally Cleansing Your Body with Raw Food

Naturally Cleansing Your Body with Raw Food

Naturally Cleanse The BodyIn this audio brief of my upcoming interview with Deborah Devar we talk about the cleansing and emotional impact of switching to a more raw food diet.

A raw food diet is not hard and there are a lot of really great recipes available on the internet. It's more about letting go of what you always believed a meal to be. One thing that Deborah does is help people understand that the desire to eat is very different than nutrition.

There is an emotional connection that some people have with eating. You hear the term "comfort foods" which has an emotional connotation to it. Swtiching to a more raw food diet can surface some of the emotional attachments you've had with food. As the body start cleaning out the body takes care of little toxic gel balls that are stored in the tissue and those are emotional toxins.

You may experience flu like symptoms and you may even hit an "emotional roller coaster" as you cleanse and heal your body. A lot of the things you put "on hold" are going to come to the surface.

We all have a choice, either take responsibility for your health or potentially live your life popping pills and standing in line for surgeries.

The full episode is scheduled for release on March 24th 2014

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Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Bikini Chef

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness Podcast I am so honored to have Susan Irby, also known as the Bikini Chef on the show. Susan is an Award-winning TV and Radio Host, She’s a Best-selling author, and creator of The Bikini Chef and hosts The Bikini Lifestyles Show on Talk Radio 790 KABC and she’s interviewed some of the top names in health and entertainment like Wolfgang puck, Denise Richards,  rock star Gene simmons, comedian Bill Engval and many more. On today’s show  Susan was kind enough to share some great tips for creating healthy meals at home even if you’re like me and you’re  all thumbs in the kitchen!


[wptab name='About Susan']

The-Bikini-Chef-Susan-Irby-headshotAbout Susan

Susan Irby is best known as "The Bikini Chef" and she hosts "The Bikini Lifestyles Show" on PBS TV and Talk Radio 790 KABC. She is also a best selling author with nine health and nutrition books available.

Susan is an amazing interviewer and has had some very notable celebrities on her show including Wolfgang Puck, Gene Simmons, Bill Engvall, Venus Williams, among others.


[wptab name='Healthy Food']

How do you make "healthy food" taste good?

healthy foodPeople have a perception that healthy food is bland and boring but it's really not true. There are things you can do to "spice it up" and help healthy food come to life and taste great. Take those old spices down from the shelf, go buy some new ones and incorporate those into your foods. Additionally, fresh herbs and citrus flavors are great ways to add to the flavor of the healthy foods you make.

What else do you have in the cupboard that can help you get fit and healthy?

While you are using the spices to make your healthy food taste great why not grab those bags of refined white flour, corn meal and sugar to help with your weight resistance? Rather than eat that stuff, Susan incorporates them as weight resistance to get in a little weight training in the kitchen.

Is there help for someone who doesn't know their way around the kitchen?

Absolutely! The first step is to fight the urge to go to the fast food restaurant or select prepackaged and heavily processed food for meals. Get used to going to the refrigerator and get in the habit of "doing it yourself".

Don't put too much pressure on yourself. The worst thing that can happen is it doesn't come out good, you give it to your pets as a snack and you try again. Start with something easy like chicken breast, boneless pork chop or fish. These are easy to make and all great sources of lean protein.

For chicken or boneless pork chop:

  • Preheat the oven to 375 degrees

  • Cover a baking sheet (cookie sheet) with aluminum foil

  • Put a little bit of Olive oil on both sides

  • Add some seasoning (based on what you like such as blackened or lemon pepper) on both sides.

  • Put it in the oven for about 20 minutes and you're all set.

Put together a simple salad and make your own vinaigrette to round out your healthy meal.

How to make your own healthy salad and vinaigrette.

Making your own healthy salad is easy. Many supermarkets now offer bags of mixed greens which can easily be the base for your healthy salad. Next, you'll want to blend your own healthy vinaigrette to add flavor.

To make your own vinaigrette:

  • Use 2 parts balsamic vinegar to 1 and 1/2 parts olive oil

  • Squeeze in some fresh lemon

  • Add cracked black pepper

  • Add a pinch of salt

  • Whisk it together

Add the vinaigrette and toss it with your mixed greens.

Remove the pork chop or chicken from the oven and slice it up. Add it to the plate and you have a  very easy, tasty and healthy meal.

Once you're comfortable you can begin making variations and adding to the salad.

Are there particular foods that you recommend staying away from, in order to eat healthy?

For the most part, stay away from breads. Susan has a bikini diet coming out that spells out in detail what her recommendations are. In general, Susan recommends fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and lean protein.

What about eating a healthy breakfast?

Breakfast can be tricky because a lot of traditional breakfast foods are loaded with carbs. There are alternatives though and fresh fruit, quinoa, greek yogurt and other healthy breakfast foods can help.


Another excellent breakfast option is a frittata, which is like an open face omelet. A frittata is easy to make as well!

  • wisk some eggs together

  • add diced bell pepper

  • add some pancetta

  • add some diced fresh mint leaves

  • add a little red or white onion

  • even add some asparagus tips

Wisk all of this together and put it in the omelette pan. Just don't flip or fold it and you'll end up with a really tasty and healthy breakfast.

Avocado and Egg

Take 1/2 of an avocado, scoop out the seed and a bit of the avocado. Put in one whole egg and top it with paprika, cayenne pepper, or cumin. Bake it in the oven for about 15 minutes, take it out and enjoy it with some fresh salsa for a healthy breakfast meal.


Another good option for breakfast is to mix up some fresh fruit smoothies.  Susan has several great recipes on her site including the very popular Kale Mock Tail!


[wptab name='Fitness']

The Bikini Body Challenge

bikini lifestyleSusan's 30 Day Bikini Body Challenge can help jump start your weight- loss, fitness and healthy lifestyle. it starts with two days of fresh raw vegetables and then followed by the cleanse drinks with 25 days of a healthy eating plan. The bikini chef diet follows the challenge to become your new healthy way of life. It also includes workouts as well as healthy nutrition ideas.

Body Weight Training

Cardio is great but body toning is also very important. Runners, cyclists and anyone doing lots of cardio still need to include some strength training and core work. Having a good balance between cardio and strength training is important.


[wptab name='Resources']

Follow Susan at and you'll find...

  • ...her podcasts

  • ...her programs

  • exercises

  • ...The Bikini Diet Plan

  • ...fresh frozen meals (non GMO!) "Skinny Cuisine"

  • ...Free recipes

  • ...Free content and articles

Get Susan's Books

the-7-a-meal-pressure-cooker-cookbook-301-delicious-meals-you-can-prepare-quickly-for-the-whole-family The $7.00 a Meal Pressure Cooker Cookbook -

The $7 a Meal Quick and Easy Cookbook: 301 Delicious Meals You Can Make in 30 Minutes or Less

The $7 a Meal Healthy Cookbook: 301 Nutritious, Delicious Recipes That the Whole Family Will Love

The Giant $7 a Meal Cookbook: 701 Inexpensive Meals the Whole Family Will Love

Boost Your Metabolism Cookbook: Fire up Your Diet for a Fit and Firm You

The Complete Idiot's Guide Quinoa Cookbook

The Substitute Yourself Skinny Cookbook: Cut the Calories, Keep the Flavor with Hundreds of Simple Substitutions!

Pressure Cooker: 50 Essential Recipes for Today's Busy Cook



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Please consider making a donation of any size to help support the show so that I can continue to bring you great content like "The Bikini Chef" each week. Thank you for your support!

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