Thursday, March 20, 2014

Naturally Cleansing Your Body with Raw Food

Naturally Cleansing Your Body with Raw Food

Naturally Cleanse The BodyIn this audio brief of my upcoming interview with Deborah Devar we talk about the cleansing and emotional impact of switching to a more raw food diet.

A raw food diet is not hard and there are a lot of really great recipes available on the internet. It's more about letting go of what you always believed a meal to be. One thing that Deborah does is help people understand that the desire to eat is very different than nutrition.

There is an emotional connection that some people have with eating. You hear the term "comfort foods" which has an emotional connotation to it. Swtiching to a more raw food diet can surface some of the emotional attachments you've had with food. As the body start cleaning out the body takes care of little toxic gel balls that are stored in the tissue and those are emotional toxins.

You may experience flu like symptoms and you may even hit an "emotional roller coaster" as you cleanse and heal your body. A lot of the things you put "on hold" are going to come to the surface.

We all have a choice, either take responsibility for your health or potentially live your life popping pills and standing in line for surgeries.

The full episode is scheduled for release on March 24th 2014

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