Sunday, April 5, 2015

Staying Hydrated with Celebrity Fitness Trainer Kathy Kaehler

Staying Hydrated

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast Kathy Kaehler is on the show to talk about the importance of staying hydrated. She shares some creative ways to work more water into your day.

On Today’s show you’ll discover...

  • easy way to turn your tap water into a refreshing sparkling water option;

  • ...why staying hydrated is so important for your health;

  • ...several easy strategies for incorporating more water into your day!

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About Kathy Kaehler

Kathy KaehlerFitness Hall of Famer and nationally-recognized healthy living spokesperson Kathy Kaehler is a resource for the best in knowledge, products, and programs. For more than two decades Kathy has been a trusted expert nationally, helping everyone from the soccer mom to the celebrity superstar get in shape and adopt a healthy lifestyle. A working mom who has worked with A-list Hollywood celebrities including Julia Roberts, Michele Pfeiffer, Kim Kardashian, and Jennifer Aniston, Kathy is the creator of Sunday Set-Up,™ an online subscription program featuring a signature system for organizing food at the beginning of the week, ensuring healthy snacks and meals make it to the table all week long. Celebrities including Tiffany Theissen, Melissa Rivers, Nancy O’Dell, Angie Harmon, Lisa Rinna, and Rebecca Romijn have embraced Sunday Set-Up, along with thousands of families across the nation.

Kathy is a best-selling author who has penned popular titles including, Mom Energy…A Simple Plan To Live Fully Charged, Teenage Fitness, Kathy Kaehler’s Celebrity Workouts, Real World Fitness and Fit and Sexy for Life. For additional insights into her lifestyle, advice, and fans, you can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, and at her website

Why Include Hydration

[10:56] You were designing one on one trainings for people where did proper hydration come into those fitness plans?

It's a message I learned all the way back in college. You hear the recommendation on why we should have water. It's a way to quench thirst but also to provide proper hydration when we exercise. The phrase is before you drink before, during and after a workout.

It's something that has become more and more a reality when you see the numbers and the people in this country who walk around dehydrated. For many people there are so many choices of things to drink people forget about water.

There are so many people who don't take a sip of water all day long. So I really have stepped forward in the education and awareness space to say we have to drink water. Water is a huge part of our body.

There are negative effects of being dehydrated. It may be headaches, it may be a lack of energy, clarity or lack of focus. It can also be physiological our organs rely on that lubrication and flushing of toxins.

I have partnered with Soda Stream and I have had a wonderful time introducing Soda Stream to people as a great product to help with hydration. I have been using Soda Stream for a very long time.

It's a home system that turns your tap water into sparkling water. It sits on your counter and it is a fabulous way to get more water into your day. It's a new twist on getting your water.

You can also naturally flavor your water to for some more variety.

[14:21] It's difficult for people because you get used to these other flavors, sodas and things like that. Is that part of the struggle people have to drink enough water throughout the day?

There was a survey conducted by north start on behalf of Soda Stream they found that 40% of Americans are reaching for something other than water to quench their thirst. We are so inundated with so many other options. Water is a second thought.

One other thing to love about getting water and using Soda Stream is it's natural, healthy and good for the planet.

[16:30] There was a news story about how unhealthy it was for people to reuse plastic water bottles because the chemicals in the plastic each into the water. So, if you can get your water right from your faucet, why not?

Yes, in fact, Soda Stream has made sure to use materials that are BPA free as a result. It's nice that we can eliminate that step.

Creative Ways to Incorporate More Water Into Your Day

Girl drinking water[18:08] I should be drinking about 90 ounces of water a day. I play a game with myself to drink 32 ounces before lunch, 32 ounces before the end of the day and 32 ounces on the way home from work. What are some other creative ways to make sure you get your water in for the day?

It's great because so many people are into tracking things now. Track your workout, your steps etc... so why not track your water. You can come up with some easy tricks to help you get enough water in. The bottles that come with the Soda Stream are great because they give you the ounce right on the bottle.

Another idea is to make your water or prepare it ahead of time. Set it up in the morning to help stay focused.

Make it more attractive. Use a fancy pitcher, fill it with water, put some slices of lemon or cucumber and set it right up front on a shelf in your refrigerator. When you go to get something to drink or eat your pitcher is there, it's inviting and you select the water.

Create ways that work for you and things that are motivating.

It's important to monitor yourself and make sure you're getting enough water. If your pee is bright yellow you're not getting enough. Another sign of dehydration is that you're not going to the bathroom frequently enough. You really should be going every hour or so.

[21:51] I find that once you start drinking water on a regular basis your body craves it. It gets easier and easier to reach for the water.

That's right. I did a study with some of my clients and I had some people that were very big diet soda drinkers. The study was to see if they could add more water into their day by just having a Soda Stream machine. It was amazing to see how they changed. Those with the Soda Stream consumed 43% more water than those who didn't.

Health Benefits of Drinking Water

[23:07]  Can you talk about some of the benefits you can expect when you start drinking more water?

A lot of people get tired toward the end of the day. Water can give you more energy. Headaches can be helped by drinking more water. Many headaches are caused by dehydration. Water also helps you feel more full and it can help people from grabbing those mindless calories.

[24:32] I have had several people on the show that have made major body transformations and every one of them have said "oh, I drink all kinds of water". It was a huge part of their program to get back into shape.

A lot of athletes are committed to having the right amount of water. They know how it helps their body work properly.

We also drink a lot of caffeine in this country between coffee and soda. Caffeine is dehydrating.

Follow Kathy On-Line

[25:24] How can we find out more about you?

I am super easy to find on-line:

Kathy's Website
Soda Stream USA

Soda Stream is very easy to find. They are also in Target, Bed Bath and Beyond and other major retailers.

I also have a show called Fit and Sexy for Life it's online every Wed.

Sassy Girl Exercise Tune-Up with Jessica Bailey

[27:31What are we talking about this week?


stickman doing crunchesI want to talk about crunches. There are common mistakes people make that take away from the effectiveness of crunches. I want to share some simple things you can do to make your time worthwhile.

  • Avoid tucking your chin into your chest

  • If you could fit a baseball or orange between your chin and chest that's good form.

  • Avoid jerking forward

  • Keep your abs contracted the entire time and make the work come from your abs.

There are more effective ab exercises than the crunch. The three best exercise for ab muscles:

  1. High plank

  2. Forearm Plan

  3. Bicycle Crunch

Get more tips from Jessica at

Funky Fitness Now

Funky Fitness NowJessica Bailey and I have a new show called Funky Fitness Now where we take a fun look at the Weird, Wacky and Funky things people do to get fit. Last week we talked about retro-running and it was a great time....Check it out at 

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1 comment:

  1. […] Last week, we talked about creative ways to stay hydrated and incorporate more water into your day. If you missed that episode check it out and get all caught up! […]
