Sunday, March 27, 2016

7 Myths About Clean Eating, Busted

I am currently one week through a 28 day clean eating program. I have been so surprised within the first seven days, not only about the benefits I'm experiencing but how wrong I was about clean eating before I started. Here are 7 myths I believed about clean eating which just aren't true.

Myth 1: I Already Eat Clean

Before I started the program, I would have told you "I already eat clean". I think it's common for all of us to feel like we're eating well.  I mean salads for lunch, no dairy (well except for the occasional cheese stick and yogurt), no read meat (well once in awhile) and no processed food (well yeah a sports bar ever once in awhile).

Well, for the past seven days I've cut out breads, all dairy, coffee, alcohol and sugar and guess what? I feel incredible.

If you feel you're already eating clean you might be fooling yourself. The best way to really be sure is to track yourself for a week and really take a close look at what you're eating. You might be surprised how some "not so clean" foods like to sneak there way in while you're not looking. There are a couple of great apps you can use for tracking what you eat, one of my favorites is Lose It.

Myth 2: I'll Never be able to Give up Coffee

Drink WaterCoffee is very acidic to your system so it's one of the things any good clean eating program will eliminate. As someone who has been drinking 2 -3 cups of coffee a day for decades, this was my number one concern.

However, the program I'm using is designed to help you kick the coffee habit quickly and easily.  By drinking plenty of water and a special "fizz" drink with B vitamins and antioxidants giving up the "Joe" was really pretty easy. I had a minor headache the first day (which is common) but after that, it's been easy.  I'm sure, even if you're a big coffee drinker (like I was) you'll find you don't miss it and you don't want coffee anymore.

Myth 3: I'll be Tired

Doesn't clean eating make you tired, especially if you're going to cut out coffee. No, in fact just the opposite is true. By introducing probiotics and enzymes your body takes more advantage of nutrients in the foods you eat. Alll those nutrients provide even more energy. You don't need to rely on something like coffee for energy because you're getting it from your food.

Myth 4: Clean Eating Will Leave Me Hungry

I thought clean eating would be about eating vegetables and starving in between meals but I was wrong. I am actually less hungry now than I was 7 days ago. Why? You have a shake in the morning, a healthy snack, a shake for lunch, another healthy snack and then an amazing dinner!

The program is designed to balance your blood sugar so you're not spending your day on a roller coaster of snacking, crashing and snacking.

Myth 5: The Food Won't Taste Good

Actually, the food is amazing! The program I'm following comes with shake, snack and meal recipes designed by registered dietitians and they are so tasty. Every week has a shopping list too so being prepared and making the meals is really simple.

With recipes like "Sweet Potato - Turkey Chili" , "Chicken Avocado Soup", and "Southwestern Quinoa and Black Bean Casserole" I'm eating tastier, healthier food now than I was last week! If you're like me, you'll want to put these into your family's normal meal rotation even after the program ends.

Myth 6: Clean Eating Will be Expensive

You might think organic, healthy food is more expensive right? Nope, by cutting out coffee, sugar, processed foods, gluten and more you'll find your grocery bill is about the same as it was before. And because you're having shakes for breakfast and lunch you're spending a lot less there as well.

Myth 7: I Won't Be Able To Give Up (fill in the blank) for a Whole Month

If you have a sweet tooth or you crave salty snacks you might be concerned that you won't be able to go a full month without them. You'll find it's much easier than you think. Because your blood sugar remains constant you're not crashing and craving that sugar or salt. Plus there are really satisfying healthy snack alternatives that leave you feeling great.

Bonus Myth: Weight Loss = Healthy

There is a final common myth people have about health and weight loss. Some feel weight loss means your healthy and that simply isn't true. It's why a lot of the fad diets on the market aren't sustainable and aren't good for you. However when you reverse your thinking you realize that weight loss is a result of being healthy! It's the smart way, and it's the right way to achieve your weight - loss goals.

Clean Eating Benefits

After just 7 days I am experiencing amazing benefits. I feel mentally sharp, I have more energy and I'm sleeping better than I have in years. I actually wake up feeling refreshed! By cutting out inflammatory foods I'm also experiencing a reduction in bloating around my mid section. (and I like that).

Many people I've coached through the program have experienced significant weight-loss as a result of eating healthy, (weight-loss is a bi-product of a healthy lifestyle).


If you've thought about clean eating but held off because of some of the same concerns I had,  maybe it's time to say "Yes" to clean eating!  I promise you, it will be one of the best decisions you've ever made and you'll look back and be so glad you did it.

If you want to learn more about the program I'm doing, contact me and I'll get you all the information so you can enjoy the great benefits of eating clean too!

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or you can contact me by phone, twitter, facebook or email.

Looking forward to chatting with you and partnering on this amazing adventure with you! 


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