Sunday, June 9, 2013

Eating Your Way to a Faster Metabolism

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast we're talking about your metabolism and some foods you can eat if yours seems to be working against you. In the wayoutside segment we’ll look at a wacky sport that combines cardio, crashes, and cheese and I’ll wrap up the show with a new fitness challenge to keep you motivated this week.


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[wptab name='Metabolism Foods']


[caption id="attachment_4027" align="alignleft" width="150"]Image courtesy of marin / Image courtesy of marin /[/caption]

We’ve  all heard about and maybe even know some of those people who seem to be able to eat anything without gaining weight. Often times we’re told these people have a high or fast metabolism.

The truth is very few people have a fast metabolism. Your metabolism or metabolic rate is the speed at which your body burns calories. More than the speed it’s the relationship between your metabolic rate and your calorie intake that really matters and what some of these folks may be benefiting from.

But I used to be able to eat anything without putting on those extra pounds and now it seems I have to be more difficult, why is that?

Because there are factors that contribute to your metabolic rate, one of the biggest is age. According to Bodyfi ( “....metabolism declines by around 2-3% per decade based on a loss in lean muscle mass”

So how can you counteract the effects of ageing and declining muscle mass to be sure your ratio of metabolic rate and calorie intake is in an optimum ratio?

Diet and Exercise. (never heard that one before!)

So it’s really just a numbers game burn more calories than you consume and you lose weight... but that said there are specific foods you can eat to jump start your metabolism and help you burn more calories.

How Many Meals A Day?

Before we get to the foods let’s talk for second about when and how often you eat. Rather than eating two or three large meals a day you may consider eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.

According to  Louis Aronne, M.D., director of the Comprehensive Weight Control Program, affiliated with New York Presbyterian Hospital. "If you take in the majority of calories in one or two meals, there's a tremendous surge of insulin to the bloodstream, which sends a message to store calories as fat,"

Most people eat less when they eat more frequently and avoid spiking insulin and increase metabolic benefits.

Please note, while the following foods are all natural you should check with your doctor before starting any exercise or diet program. I am not a doctor and the following should not be considered medical advice.

Five Natural Foods

So here are 5 great, natural foods that can help boost your metabolism.

1. Oatmeal

Starting your day off with a bowl of oatmeal can boost your metabolism. Since Oatmeal is food that is rich in fat soluble fiber it requires a lot of calories to break down. As an added bonus Oatmeal contains phytosterols that help decrease bad cholesterol levels!

2. Green Tea

Green tea contains something called EGCG which stimulates the nervous system and helps you burn calories at a faster rate. Additionally, the caffeine found in green tea can accelerate your heart rate and speed up your metabolism.

3. Broccoli

One of president Bushes favorits has made the list.....yes that’s right Broccoli is rich in both calcium and vitamin C. Both of these vitamins help you burn calories more effectively. Calcium can rev up your metabolism while the vitamin c helps your body absorb calcium more better-er.

4. Almonds

Essential fatty acids are great metabolism boosters and almonds are loaded with them! Almonds make a great mid-day snack and are a healthier choice than some of the other items staring back at you from behind the vending machine.

5. Low-fat Yogurt

Low fat yogurt is a great food to eat when you’re trying to increase your metabolic rate. Like the broccoli listed above yogurt not only contains calcium but also protein which can provide energy and help build lean muscle.

BONUS: Lean Proteins

Eating lean proteins like chicken, turkey and others requires a lot of energy for your body to break down. As a result you body burns more calories. As mentioned above lean protein is also required for building lean muscle so it gives your metabolism a one two punch!

So there you have 5 foods (plus one) that can help boost your metabolism and help you achieve a better ratio of calorie intake to calorie burn.[/wptab]

[wptab name='Way Outside']

Cheese Rolling

Ok so another way food can help increase your calorie burn is if you roll it down a hill and then chase after as is the case with this week’s wayoutside sport of cheese rolling.

In the last weekend in May each year (the Spring Bank holiday) on the top of the very steep Cooper's Hill in Gloucester England, people gather with their seven pound (~3 kg) hunk of cheese to take part in the famous "Coopers Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake".

The objective of the gathering iis to roll your cheese to the bottom of the hill and run after it however you can. Generally the cheese is the ultimate winner and can travel at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. Depending upon the style and grace of the racers they too can reach high speed on the way down the hill.

To stop the racers at the bottom, a line of rugby players and to take away the injured teams of medics and ambulances. While no one has ever died during the Cooper’s Hill Cheese Roll many people have been injured with hurt backs, dislocated shoulders and more.

Check the video below to see the race for yourself. The hill is steep, reportedly the cheese doesn’t taste very good and the rugby team at the bottom isn't that gentle however the majority of the contestants look like they’re having a cheesy good time and in the end that may be the most important and healthy part of the event.


[wptab name='Fitness Challenge']

Weekly Fitness Challenge

[caption id="attachment_4029" align="alignleft" width="150"]Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid / Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid /[/caption]

Walk, run or bike for 10 extra minutes a day every day this week. One of the best ways to burn calories is to engage in a cardiovascular activity like walking, running or biking. Whatever you do now...try to go another 10 minutes this week....if you put in an extra 10 minutes a day this week you’ll have exercised for an additional hour and 10 minutes burning more calories and getting more fit!



tennis-73976_640Are You Up For The Challenge?

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 Image Credits:

  • Special thanks to U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Levin Boland [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons for use of the bell pepper image used as the feature image for this post.

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