Sunday, July 20, 2014

How to Dominate Your Diabetes with Daniele Hargenrader

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness Podcast I'm excited to bring you my conversation with Daniele Hargenrader the diabetes dominator. If you have diabetes, know someone with diabetes, or are concerned about being pre-diabetic you're going to want to listen to the information that Daniele shares on the show.

Today you'll learn:

  • How to modify your diet;

  • How to change your mindset;

  • and how staying active and fit will help you dominate your diabetes

In today's outside sports segment we’ll take a look at how diabetics can benefit from starting a walking program and what special considerations you’ll want to think about before you get started.

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[wptab name='About Daniele']

About Daniele

apY8iz44_400x400Daniele Hargenrader, aka the Diabetes Dominator, is a nutritionist, health coach, and certified personal trainer. She helps diabetics, pre-diabetics, and individuals from all walks of life and from any location around the world to think, eat, and move in ways that allow them to achieve a quality of health and quality of life they previously thought unattainable.

She has been quoted in Diabetes Forecast Magazine, featured in the Philadelphia Inquirer, and presented at Fortune 100 companies teaching people how to live the life they imagined through optimal health. She owns a health and wellness coaching business with her husband, and runs website which is a source of inspiration and information dedicated to showing people that they can take charge of their own health despite what they may have been led to believe.


[wptab name='History with Diabetes']

How did Daniele get so passionate about helping people with diabetes? (4:35)

At eight years old Daniele was diagnosed with type one diabetes. She developed a binge eating habit and she began gaining weight. Throughout her teens and into her early 20s she was obese weighing well over 200 pounds.

Her hemoglobin A1c levels were 13.5% almost double what is recommended for diabetics. After years of living that way she realized that she was slowly killing herself.

She began exercising, changing her diet and slowly transformed her body. During this time she developed an extreme passion for cooking.Her passion for cooking grew into her becoming a professional chef. She began working with people to help them eat healthy and wanted to provide fitness advice as well so she became a personal trainer.


[wptab name='Dominate Diabetes']

How does Daniele help people who come to her feeling hopeless about their situation? (10:00)

tablets-193666_640The majority of people who come to see Daniele initially feel hopeless and overwhelmed. Many of them are tired of having blood sugar levels out of control. They are frustrated having tried everything without being able to fix the problem of fluctuating blood sugar levels.

One big challenge is that a lot of the medication diabetics are on promotes fat gain which leads to a vicious cycle. The more fat you have the more insulin you need which leads to more fat. This vicious cycle creates a hopeless mindset.

Additionally, a lot of the information out there,even from reputable organizations, is feeding into this hopeless mindset. Especially for those people with type two diabetes who are told that it's irreversible. Danielle has helped many people completely reverse their situation. She has helped them get to a point where they no longer need to take medication and their blood glucose levels are steady again.

Danielle likes to give her clients another view of their situation and show them that it's not hopeless. She helps them shift their mindset from feeling they have no control over their health to understanding they do have control.

There are actions you can take to gain control. (12:25)

It all starts with that mindset shift from "it's all on somebody else too it's all on me".
There are very few things in the world today that you can really control except for your health.

[cryout-pullquote align="right" textalign="center" width="33%"] "When you have your health, it's the foundation of everything that is happiness and you find that feeling spreads across every part of your life." - Daniele Hargenrader [/cryout-pullquote]

What about people who are pre-diabetic?(18:55)

There are millions of people who are prediabetic and the majority of those people don't know anything about it. The challenge is the symptoms of diabetes don't always manifest themselves in a way that you realize something is wrong.

Unfortunately, it can take months or years for the symptoms to become so bad that you actually go to the doctor. It's really about being aware. Prediabetic's have the most control and the upper hand in the situation. Because you're not there yet there are changes you can make to reverse the situation. While it doesn't take long, it does take commitment.

It makes sense to get yourself checked at least once a year, if not twice a year, to determine whether you're prediabetic. If you are prediabetic, take action right away to change your diet, and be more active.


[wptab name='Take Action']

The Diabetes Dominator Quick Start Guide (13:55)

Daniele has written a PDF called "Eight Actionable Steps You Can Take Right Now"  and it's available as a free download. The download not only includes important information but also real actionable steps you can take.

Here are a couple easy examples:

Drink Water (14:45)

Drink WaterA simple, easy and effective action you can take is to make sure you drink enough water. Drinking enough water can make a huge difference in your diabetes control.

If you are constantly dehydrated your body not only needs to deal with the issues caused by your diabetes but it also has to shut down other systems to compensate.

A lot of people understand how important it is to drink enough water however knowledge without action doesn’t do you any good. You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water every day.

The base of health is water so this is the most logical place to start. Drinking enough water is easy, it’s free and all you really need to do is take action.

Track What You Eat (15:50)

The next action step is to keep a food journal. MyFitnessPal, which is a free application on any smart phone or website, is an outstanding tool to help you keep track of the food you eat.The food database on MyFitnessPal is vast.

Why track your food?

It’s important for you to create some data points so that you know where you’re going. If you don’t know how many calories or cards you’re eating per day it’s something you will need to know in order to move forward.

When you start keeping track of what you’re eating it can be a real surprise. It’s amazing to see all of the additional things you’re eating that you forget about throughout the day. The majority of people can’t remember all the things they eat.

It's SAD (21:15)

A big part of the problem is the Standard American Diet. (SAD). Unfortunately, even the recommendations found on the food pyramid, put out by the USDA, are not helping those with diabetes. Many of those recommendations are actually making the situation worse.

Many of the processed carbs recommended in the pyramid are the very things that are putting people in this prediabetic state.

Changing your diet (22:50)

Processed carbohydrates

One thing that is causing problems for people who are pre-diabetic is processed carbohydrates and packaged foods.

Here are some examples of processed carbohydrates:

  • Bread

  • Bagels

  • White rice

  • Pasta

  • Cookies

  • Donuts

One type of bread that Danielle does recommend is called Ezekiel bread. Ezekiel bread is sprouted whole grain bread.

Milk and Dairy

A lot of people are still convinced that they need to drink 2, 8 ounce glasses of milk everyday to have strong bones. Unfortunately that's just an old wive's tale. The human body was not meant to process the enzymes that are in milk. Milk is also a high glycemic index carbohydrate. It's not a healthy food.


Soda or juice whether it's sugar, sugar-free, contains aspartame or other artificial sweeteners are not good for you. Aspartame, for example, turns into formaldehyde once it hits your system. It builds up in your cells and over time creates an acidic environment where things like cancer can grow very easily.

If you are making your own juice from real fruit in a blender, that's fine. It's the bottled or boxed juices on a shelf that you should be leery of. Once the juice has been pasteurized it's been heated to a point where all of the nutrients from the fruit are gone.

What should we add to our diet? (29:15)

One of the very best things to add to your diet are fresh vegetables. You should be eating a pound of vegetables everyday. There are many healthy micronutrients and phytonutrients in vegetables.

It's also important to include fruits in your diet. 2 to 3 servings of fruit a day is fine. Fruits also contain micronutrients and they're not high glycemic. While there are a few high glycemic fruits like watermelon and bananas eating them in moderation Is generally fine.

Exercise (32:20)

How much exercise per day or per week is recommended?

It really depends on the type and the intensity of exercise that you'll be doing. Important to know that everybody is different.

If you're just starting out, a leisurely walk around the neighborhood is great. walking is a great exercise. But if you're going to walk at a leisurely pace 45 minutes to an hour 3 to 4 times a week would be recommended.

If you're doing heavy weight training or Zumba or high-intensity interval training three times a week at 30 minutes would be a great. It's really a very individualized thing and it depends on how your body reacts to the exercise, the intensity, and what type of exercise you enjoy.

Three days of exercise a week would be considered a minimum. On the other hand it's not recommended to work out seven days a week either. Overtraining can also be a problem.

It's really important for you to find something that you enjoy. There's some sort of exercise out there for everyone to enjoy. If you don't enjoy the type of exercise you're doing right now find something else.


[wptab name='Follow Daniele']

Find Daniele On the Web

Follow Daniele on-line and keep an eye out for her new eBook. follow online

Get Your FREE Copy of Daniele's

Diabetes Dominator Quick Start Guide


[wptab name='Walking for Health']

Walking For Health (39:00)

[caption id="attachment_4141" align="alignleft" width="199"]Walking in Central Park Walking in Central Park[/caption]

Danielle shared some really awesome advice and tips on the show today and I love what she said about taking action. It’s so important to get up and get moving and one of the best exercises for diabetics is walking.

Walking is easy, quick and you can do it virtually anywhere. More importantly walking provides some outstanding benefits like:

Improved glucose control.

When you are moving and exercising it helps your muscles absorb blood sugar, preventing it from building up in your bloodstream. Best of all, the effect can last for hours or even days! Making walking a regular part of your routine is essential for continued blood glucose control.

Better cardiovascular fitness.

Because people with diabetes are at increased risk for heart disease, it’s really important to walk and enjoy other forms of cardio fitness.

Weight control.

Regular walking burns calories; this can help control weight, which in turn can reduce other health risks.

It is important to check with your doctor before you start walking or any exercise program to be sure you get his or her thumbs up. One final word for diabetics to consider is foot health.

Blisters, or breaks in the skin of the feet can be hard to detect for diabetics since foot numbness is a common symptom. If you are concerned or prone to foot issues ask your health care provider for alternative options.



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