Sunday, August 17, 2014

3 Simple Secrets for Healthier Eating

Secrets for Healthier Eating

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness Podcast I'm honored to have registered dietician and author Susie Garcia on the show. Susie co-authored the book “Psyched to be Skinny” and shares some really interesting information today about how our relationships with food can be traced back to our childhood.

On today's show you'll learn:

  • ...about different types of eaters

  • different times of day and different events can trigger overeating

  • ... the 3 simple secrets you can implement today to be a healthier eater tomorrow!

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[wptab name='About Susie']

About Susie

bios-susieSusie Garcia is a Registered Dietitian specializing in Health and Wellness, Nutrition Education and Food and Diet Trends. She has received the Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year Award by the American Dietetic Association and the Texas Dietetic Association. She is a graduate of North Dakota State University and completed her dietetic internship at Texas A&M University. She currently operates a private practice, Nutrition For Your Lifestyle, in the San Francisco Bay area.

Susie has experience in several areas of Food and Nutrition including Individual Consultations, Nutrition Management, Research and Development, Nutrition Writing and Presenting. She has also developed nutrition programs, diet plans and menus for individuals as well as businesses. She is a ServSafe instructor and taught Nutrition and Food Safety courses at The Culinary Institute of America, Greystone, St. Helena, CA.

Susie is a member of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, Nutrition Entrepreneurs Practice Group, and California and Diablo Valley Dietetic Associations.
Sandy Cortez, MS, RD, CFT, HFS


[wptab name='Interview']

What are the main goals clients having to come to see you? [6:09]

Secrets for Healthier Eating 300Most people are looking to lose weight and lose belly fat. There are also people who just want to feel better whether it's to have more energy or better clarity of thought. A lot of people out there just don't feel good and it can be linked to nutrition and lifestyle.

People with diabetes or who have been diagnosed with high cholesterol also see Susie for nutritional help. Improving how these people live and eat cannot only help them feel better it can also have an impact on their condition.

Susie co-authored a book called "Pschyed to be Skinny" with Dr. Denise Wood. In the book Susie and Denise identify the different types of eaters. Each chapter is dedicated to a different type of eater.

In the book Susie and Denise identify the bored eater, the anxious eater, the recently dumped eater, the peer pressure eater and the big boned eater. Each person has a different set of cognitive and behavioral therapies and exercises they can do to overcome their poor eating habits. These therapies and exercises are outlined in the book along with nutritional advice, meal plans and recipes.

The book is an easy read and often times people will identify with several different types of eaters. "Psyched to be Skinny"  is giving some real life advice about how to modify what you think about what you're eating, as opposed to "here's just another diet plan."

In the book there are examples of how a lot of our thinking about food comes from our earliest memories. For example, you may have lost the baseball game and your parents took you to get an ice cream cone to feel better about it. What's really interesting is food is used as a reward either way. Ice cream cone if you win, ice cream cone if you lose.

A lot of parents may be providing inappropriate messages about food to their children without even realizing it. Even people who are very healthy, fit and active fall into this trap. As an example consider the ritual of having a beer at the end of an Ironman competition or a triathlon.

Could you talk about some of the different types of eaters you identify in your book? [10:47]

Let's start with...

The Anxious Eater

A lot of women fall into the anxious eater category. These are the classic working moms that are always on the go. They are generally so busy they're not even cognizant of whether they are full or hungry. They will end up just grabbing something on the go and eating in the car. If you are someone who thinks of yourself as busy you may fall into this anxious eater category.

The Peer Pressure Eater

Another type of eater is the peer pressure eater. This is someone that succumbs to peer pressure and ends up changing their food choices as a result. These eaters tend to follow the crowd. For example, if everyone is having dessert they have dessert. At family gatherings when people are encouraging them to eat more they end up eating bigger portions then they may want to.

One of the strategies from the book for a peer pressure eater is to become a leader. By using clean and organic foods and not following the crowd the peer pressure eater can become someone to follow. In general, people do want to eat better but often they are just too lazy to do it.  If someone is leading the way people will follow.

The Bored Eater

The bored eater is one of the most common eaters because many times people just don't know what to do. When people are not as engaged in their community or feel isolated they may fall into this category. Rather than thinking of something else to do like writing a letter or reading a book the bored eater finds themselves at the refrigerator. This can be a well established habit, eating out of boredom to fill your time.

How can you determine which type of here you are?

Most people who get the book will look at the list of eaters and identify with one or two and then go read those chapters. You might identify with the bored eater but then at other times you may identify with the peer pressure eater.

The idea of the book is to help you change your thinking so you aren't saying "I have to have popcorn at night." If you're telling yourself you have to have it then you are believing that you have to have it.

What about changing the type of food that you are eating?

Most people aspire to clean eating, and eating good healthy food. It can be a challenge to work that into your diet if it's not something you are used to. Ideally, you want to work vegetables into your diet, drink lots of water, add high-fiber carbohydrates, lean sources of protein and healthy fats. Susie works to show you what foods fall into those categories and how much of that food you should be eating.

In general, what is the one thing you would change in someone's diet to have the biggest impact?

The thing people need the most in their diet is more vegetables. Any sort of plant-based nutrition such as beans or lentils would be a great addition to your diet. If you add more of these types of foods and reduce your intake of processed foods it can really make a difference. When you're eating nutrient rich foods and your body is getting the nutrients it needs you are less likely to overeat.

What challenges do people face when working to incorporate more vegetables into their diet? [22:57]

Some people see it as a challenge because of the preparation involved in cutting up vegetables and making salads etc. They see it as very time-consuming however there are prepared options that make it more convenient.

What are some creative ways to work vegetables into your diet?

You can put spinach in a chocolate protein smoothie and not taste it that much. You do need to be careful with smoothies however because often times people overload them with fruit and sugar. It's important to think about smoothies as a protein-based drink and make sure you have some sort of protein powder in there.

There are a lot of creative ways to incorporate vegetables into your meals.You can add chopped up vegetables to spaghetti sauce. You can do mashed potatoes with half mashed cauliflower. Adding onions and peppers to fajitas is a great way to get your vegetables as well.

Are there points in the day or particular events that can cause people to overeat?

Yes, and a lot of it has to do with meal planning. For example, many people tend to skip breakfast eat a small lunch and then have a large meal at dinner time because they under nourished their body during the day. Time of day, especially the evening, can be a big factor for some people.

In the book there's another type of eater called the "I deserve it" eater which covers eating based on certain events. Someone who has an "all or nothing" relationship with food can fall into this category. An example would be someone who goes on vacation and indulges because they feel they deserve it. This type of thinking can cause overeating. Mood and hormones also play a big part in whether somebody overeats or not.

Three secrets to unravel your food moods and eat healthier

Weigh on Wednesdays

The first secret is to weigh on Wednesdays. This is a good practice because most people will be more indulgent over the weekend. Additionally weighing yourself just once a week can help prevent you from becoming obsessed with it.

Write it Down

The second secret is to write it down. Keep a "food and mood" journal. You could also track your exercise along with your food in this journal. Journaling is a great way to provide accountability to yourself. There are some great free apps that can help you track your calorie intake such as "lose it" or "my fitness pal".

Wake Up Refreshed

The third secret is to wake up refreshed. Getting enough sleep is critically important because when you sleep certain hormones are secreted into your body. One of them is called leptin and leptin gives you more of a satisfied feeling so you feel less hungry. The more you sleep the more Leptin your body produces.

Another hormone associated with your appetite is called ghrelin and it increases when you deprive your body of sleep. Ghrelin is responsible for that hunger sensation. When you don't get enough sleep ghrelin can cause you to have an increased appetite.

The other reason to get a good nights sleep is that a lack of sleep can cause you to be more stressed. When you're stressed you release a hormone in your system called cortisol. Cortisol is the belly fat hormone. If you're trying to stay fit and trim getting enough sleep is a key factor.


[wptab name='Links and Resources']

follow onlineFollow Susie on-line and get a copy of her book:

The Susie Garcia Site

Get "Pysched to be Skinny" as an eBook on Smashwords for only $4.97!

Nutrition for Your lifestyle



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