Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Modern Paleo Lifestyle

Living Paleo

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness Podcast I am honored to welcome Wendy Myers to the show. Wendy is a certified holistic health coach and founder of live to 110. She is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle through proper diet and exercise. Today, Wendy and I talk about the Modern Paleo Diet.

On today’s show you’ll learn...

  • ... how some diets can cause dangerous imbalances in our bodies;

  • living “Paleo” means more than just what you eat;

  • ... and you'll discover the missing link to total health that many people simple don't include in their overall health plan.

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[wptab name='About Wendy']

About Wendy


Wendy Myers Wendy Myers,  is a CHHC. (Certified Holistic Health Coach) and founder, head writer and Chief Eating Officer of Live to 110. She is also certified in Hair Mineral Analysis for the purpose of designing Mineral Power programs for clients.

Her interest in nutrition began with the death of her father from esophageal cancer. Intuitively, she knew his chemo, radiation, and ten medications killed him prematurely. She vowed to find out what made him sick, why he died, what role medications played in his demise, and how she could avoid the same fate. The more she  learned, the more she realized that all the answers to health do not lie in our medical system. Food and natural healing modalities must be used to compliment advances in modern medicine.




[wptab name='Interview']

How did you get interested in the Paleo Diet?

Wendy started studying nutrition about 7 years ago when she was pregnant. She wanted to learn how to eat well for her health and for the health of her baby. When she found the Paleo diet it made a lot of sense to eat what we have evolved to eat over millions of years. After her father's death from cancer she was more determined to learn how to live a lifestyle and look for natural alternatives to conventional cancer treatments.

What were your experiences with other diets like?

Paleo DietIn trying the Atkins diet Wendy found that while it was low carb  the other foods allowed in the plan just weren't healthy. The vegetarian diet was very difficult for her. It destroyed her health and took her over 2 years on Paleo to regain her health. What Wendy discovered was that to be optimally healthy we need to eat animal protein.

Our bodies have learned to use the nutrients found in animal protein over millions of years. It's not just proteins it's minerals, vitamins, fats and a host of other kinds of nutrients in meat that our bodies require. People can get by skipping meat on a vegetarian diet by eating eggs and dairy but they really have to be careful and know what they're doing.

Should we incorporate Paleolithic exercise into our lifestyle as well?

Absolutely it makes sense for us to do the same kind of movements and things our bodies were designed to, that's how we evolved over millions of years.Doing low-level foraging and reaching up for things, basically doing a low level work out all day. Doing high-intensity interval training is another great way to replicate the activities of our ancestors when they were chasing food.

[spp-tweet "It really makes sense to try to emulate in our lifestyle, our diet, our fitness, how the caveman lived."]

What food should we be eating on the Paleo diet?

There's the Paleo diet and then there's Wendy's version of the diet which she calls the Modern Paleo Diet. The basic Paleo diet is pretty simple, it consists of meat, eggs, nuts, seeds, fruit, and vegetables.While there were some cavemen that had access to grains the vast majority did not. There is research that shows modern man has adapted to new foods. Many have adapted to dairy, and many have adapted to grains.

Wendy's version of the Paleo diet incorporates some of the new foods that modern man has adapted to. Wendy encourages people to do food elimination to understand what they can and cannot include in their diet. It's really about personalizing the Paleo diet so that it works well for you and using Paleo as a template.

What are some challenges you see people struggle with, incorporating Paleo into their lifestyle?

One thing is to realize that change takes time. [spp-tweet "Ben Franklin said "you can only change one bad habit at a time.""]

Wendy encourages people to pick the number one thing they know they need to change. Usually it's things like soda,sugars, gluten or wheat.You just take it one step at a time and over time you can see a remarkable change in your diet.

What are some of the benefits you see in the Paleo diet?

On the Paleo diet many people report more energy, more mental clarity, everything just seems to function better. When Wendy was on the vegan diet she found that she had emotional issues. There were times when she would be overwhelmed with frustrations and it wasn't like her personality. After numerous test with her doctor, she found that she was nutrient deficient among other things. She was also copper toxic based on her diet.

When you don't eat red meat or shellfish, which contains zinc, copper levels in your body can rise to toxic levels. This happens because zinc opposes copper.Copper is involved in anxiety, depression, migraines, mental illness, and even schizophrenia.

By incorporating red meat into her diet and not fearing red meat, as suggested by the American Heart Association, Wendy has seen a transformation in many aspects of her overall health. Additionally, nutrients found in red meat are also very beneficial for supporting good brain health.

Is it important to supplement on the Modern Paleo diet?

Paleo DietAbsolutely, no matter what diet you eat, you have to supplement. Unfortunately, because of monocropping, pesticides put on food, and overly depleted soil, supplementation is vital for proper health and nutrition now.There are so many ways in which we are missing out on vital nutrition that supplementing, especially with minerals, needs to be part of your dietary plan.

Wendy put together a program called mineral power. She's found that when people start supplementing, getting the right amounts of minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc and other trace mineral minerals they start feeling much better. While many people are taking multivitamins they are often not taking the right form, in the right ratios and they are not taking enough.

Our bodies have to have minerals to function. [spp-tweet "Minerals are the spark plugs of life. - Wendy Myers"] When you don't have enough minerals in your body, it is forced to retain toxic heavy metals which can cause cancer and other serious diseases.

What exactly is the Mineral Power Program?

It's a complete holistic program. It starts with a hair, mineral analysis. From the analysis it's possible to put together a diet, supplementation and detox protocol. Along with diet changes,  lifestyle changes and education round out the program.

What are two things we should all do today to start improving  our diet and overall health?

1) Start taking Chelated Minerals today! Minerals are the missing element when it comes to supplementation.

2) Sleep. Many people are not sleeping enough. Lack of sleep causes weight gain, adrenal problems and other issues. When you sleep you are detoxing so when you have a lack of sleep over time you build up more heavy metals and other toxins in your system.

The Missing Ingredient?

Many people start living a more healthy lifestyle including exercise, supplementation and diet but still are not feeling good. You have to include a detox in your health plan to ensure you're not missing the boat. In her upcoming book " The Modern Paleo Survival Guide" Wendy goes into detail about how to include detox techniques that are most effective.  Sign up for Wendy's newsletter to stay in touch and find out when the book is out.



[wptab name='Links and Resources']

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What a fresh, fun podcast! Anything that has to do with staying active outside is Steve's passion. From skiiing to hiking, and from mountain biking to nutrition for optimal performance, Steve, and his collection of experts he interviews make it a great way to learn what you need to know!


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