Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Pre-Workout Ingredients You Need for 2015

Best Pre-Workout Ingredients

conquer your workout with the right pre-workout supplementA top pre-workout supplement can provide you with the boost you need in order to conquer a workout, as opposed to simply getting through it. Pre-workout supplements are a terrific innovation, as long as they are formulated correctly. The trouble comes in when companies are more interested in your money than your results. Not all supplements are created the same. What’s more, not all supplements are based on proven research. Let’s take a look at the most researched and trusted ingredients that MUST be in your pre-workout supplement if you want to see serious gains. Don't judge a book by its cover, and don't judge a pre-workout supplement based on hype marketing. Analyze the label and make sure it contains the best pre-workout ingredients, in the correct doses.


Recommended dosage: 150 mg per serving

Alpha GPC is a pre-cursor to Acetylcholine, a powerful neurotransmitter in the body that boots focus and cognitive ability, making it an excellent pre-workout supplement. More importantly, it has been shown in a variety of studies, such as this one from the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, to effectively and dramatically boost levels of growth hormone in the body. Human growth hormone is essential for increased recovery time and lean muscle gains.

VITAMIN B12 (Methylcobalamin)

Recommended dosage: 500 mcg per serving

Vital for red blood cell formation and metabolic processing, Vitamin B12 is an excellent ingredient to look for in your post-workout supplement. Shown in this study published in the American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology to enhance the muscle recovery process via an increased immune response, Vitamin B12 also helps to reduce fatigue and improve cognitive function. Be sure to look for the Methylcobalamin version of B-12 since the Cyanocobalamin version contains a cyanide molecule.


Recommended dosage: 2.5 grams per serving

Also known as Betaine Anhydrous, this amino acid is a powerful and effective ingredient to have in your arsenal before you hit the weights. As you can see in this study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, those who supplemented with Betaine had a remarked improvement in power and performance.

When it comes to muscle growth, Betaine has you covered. Since it’s able to significantly increase your maximum workload, as demonstrated in this study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, you will be able amplify your time under tension, resulting in greater levels of muscular hypertrophy. This benefit has been proven in several studies, including this one from the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, where subjects experienced a 10% increase in arm size and 4 pounds of overall muscle mass.


Recommended dosage: 3.2 grams

Get energized with the right pre-workout supplements.You know immediately when your supplement contains this amino acid because of that flushed feeling you get in your face and neck. You’d be hard pressed to find a supplement without Beta Alanine since it hosts a number of performance benefits that you’ll find very useful.

When it comes to amplifying your energy, preparing you for an onslaught of sets, and allowing you to dominate the barbell, there’s nothing like Beta Alanine. A research study published in the Journal of Amino Acids investigated 15 published clinical trials results. In all 15 trials, Beta Alanine was proven to be a powerful ingredient that boosted overall performance during athletic activities.

Once in the body, Beta Alanine is broken down into Carnosine, which is a proven agent that increases strength and endurance while allowing for greater levels of hypertrophy. These benefits have been demonstrated in several studies including this one published in the Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.


Recommended dosage: 200+ milligrams per serving

You’re certainly no stranger to caffeine. This morning requirement has been shown to significantly increase mental and physical exercise performance, as demonstrated in this study from the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. It’s also an excellent fat burner, as you can see in this study from Europe PubMed Central.


Recommended dosage: 6+ grams per serving

This non-essential amino acid can efficiently boost your endurance and performance while acting as a powerful recovery agent. Muscle soreness post-workout is caused by a build-up of lactic acid, as well as a collection of micro-tears in the muscle itself. This same soreness can easily stop you from reaching your full potential during your next workout. This is where Citrulline Malate comes in.

According to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Citrulline Malate efficiently eliminates lactic acid build-up while supporting an effective post-workout recovery process. This ingredient also increases the release of L-Arginine. Proven to provide an insane pump during exercise, L-Arginine is important for increasing endurance and nitric oxide production, as shown in this study published in the Polish Heart Journal.


This bodybuilding classic is well supported with over 200 positive published studies, trials, and reviews to its name. Able to be taken any time of day, ensuring your Creatine levels are high pre-workout is essential for optimal performance. Creatine Monohydrate increases your body’s preferred source of fuel: ATP. As you can see in this study published in Journal of Applied Physiology and this study from the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, more ATP equated to greater levels of strength, endurance, and performance. One very notable research review published in The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research studied 22 scientific studies and clinical trials where subjects supplemented with Creatine Monohydrate before high intensity exercise. The review showed that across all studies, the average increase in strength was 14%!


Recommended dosage: 5 mg per serving

The last ingredient that you need in your post-workout supplement is Bioperine®. This patented ingredient is the glue that ties all these other ingredients together. A derivative of black pepper, Bioperine® has been shown in this study published in the Journal of Nutrition Research to be able to enhance the absorption and assimilation of any supplement that it’s taken with. It’s effectively a turbo boost for your supplement.


Any company can hide behind a proprietary blend and make big claims with bright and flashy labels. Remember that a proprietary blend is an easy way to cheat you out of money and results. Go with a supplement that proudly displays how effective it is. Jacked Factory's Pre Workout ALTIUS is the best pre workout currently available. It is naturally sweetened and it also contains every single ingredient that was reviewed. Best of all, each ingredient is present in its proven clinical dosage. Free of artificial dyes, fillers, and sweeteners, ALTIUS is raising the bar in the supplement industry. With ALTIUS, you know exactly what is in every scoop and you can feel confident that each dose is primed to bring about new levels of strength and muscle.


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