Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Story of Green Belly

The Green Belly Bar

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with Chris Cage about his Green Belly Bar.

On Today’s show you’ll discover...

  • this bar provide 1/3 of your daily requirement

  • ...why this is a great meal replacement for hikers, bikers and others

  • ...what inspired Chris to create this meal replacement bar and how Green Belly gives back to the community

call the show: 207-370-9797


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About Chris Cage

Chris Cage

Greenbelly started off as a way to avoid the desk job after returning home with no money. It has turned into a fast growing and passion fueled project. We are so thankful to be maintaining the healthy work and lifestyle balance so many of us strive for.

Besides starting the biz, I backpack nearly every weekend and am a huge punk rock fan. I'd like to start rock climbing more and learn salsa.

My long term goal is to open an orphanage in Peru - help others, learn Spanish and explore the Andes to my heart's content.


Show Notes


Chris started out like everyone else does he finished college and said "now what?" He wanted adventure so he traveled  to New Zealand, biked and backpacked across the country before returning to the US and hiking the Appalachian trail from Maine to Georgia.

A big problem traveling was food. You become limited to fast food or over processed food. I wanted more nutrition and getting it from real food.


If Chris saw this need for  quick, portable, easy nutrition others must be dealing with similar issues.

Other people I met on the trail were eating this really bizarre food. A lot of other people were eating fast food and having a hard time finding good food on the road.


Green Belly BarChris admits he’s no chef so how does an outdoor adventurer dial in the proper nutrition and create something that tastes good?

I hired a chef and a food scientist to get that nutritional profile. After that it was about taking it to people and tweaking the recipe until we found something that tasted good too.


Obviously these are great for hikers and cyclists but you might be surprised to learn who else is benefiting from these meal replacement bars.

Anybody who is health conscious and on the go is the right person for this product. Many of our customers are business men and women who want something quick and nutritious to eat during their lunch. The ingredients are all natural nothing "funky" in here at all.


Chris wanted to follow in the “foot steps” (pun intended) of Tom’s shoes and build a company that gives back.

I wanted to do something beyond the profit motive. So we have a buy a meal give a meal program and we've partnered with the Atlanta Food Bank as a way to give back.


The Green Belly Bar is an all natural meal replacement that packs 1/3 of your daily requirement into an easy to use, compact and great tasting bar. And as if that’s not enough, Green Belly donates a meal to the Atlanta Food Bank for every bar you purchase!

If you want more information....if you want to help support green belly bars...if you want to get some bars for yourself... check out Chris’ kickstarter page at
Stay tuned later this month for my full interview with Chris from Green Belly Bars!


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