Sunday, March 22, 2015

Better Trail Nutrition with Greenbelly Bar

Greenbelly Bar

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with Chris from Greenbelly Bar.

On Today’s show you’ll discover...

  • ...a meal replacement bar for hikers, bikers or any busy person on the go.

  • ...a natural, compact and easy alternative to eating on the trail

call the show: 207-370-9797


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Greenbelly Bars

About Chris Cage

Chris at Mt KatahdinChris is the founder of Greenbelly. It all started back in 2012 when he decided to quit his job as an accountant to pursue the life he wanted to live. He spent the next 2 years teaching English in Thailand, volunteering at an orphanage in Cambodia, backpacking through Asia, touring New Zealand by bicycle and eventually the entire 2,185 mile Appalachian Trail.

While on his travels he thought about making an entire nutritionally balanced meal for endurance athletes and individuals on the go. Not just a "bar" to fill in the hungry cracks of the day, rather an entire meal that would supply about 1/3 of an individual's daily nutritional needs. It would be healthy, with all natural ingredients and no artificial preservatives. The Green Belly Bar was born.

The Idea for Green Belly Bars

[4:16] Welcome to Outside Health and Fitness. You are in Georgia right? 

Yes, I'm down here in Georgia.

[4:47] How did you come up with the idea for the Green Belly Bar? 

I always wanted to some exploring, traveling and hike the AT. While on the AT I had time to start thinking about food. When you're on the go it's hard to find something easy and nutritious. So I started thinking about developing this meal bar that I could substitute for a full meal. I started thinking why not just divide the daily requirements by three and design a bar that would provide 1/3 of your daily nutrition?

[8:45] You saw this issue with food while you were traveling and you know if you're having the issue others are too. 

Yes, I remember coming up to these guys that were out cycle touring in New Zealand and we all stopped for lunch. I was eating a peanut butter and cucumber sandwich. The guys I stopped with were drinking this ooze of peanut butter and honey. I remember thinking we're sitting here eating this bizarre food and that helped me realize there was a need.

I started working on a bar myself but I had no "chef" experience and the stuff I was making was way off nutritionally. So I ended up bringing a food scientist on board and a chef to make sure we dialed in the nutrition and produced something that tasted good too.

A Full Meal Replacement 

Green Belly Bar[10:41] Can you literally eat three a day? 

Yes that is the whole idea eat three of them and you're good to go.

[11:00] It's nice, they are compact and there's nothing you have to do to eat them, no preparation.

The dehydrated meals are great but sometimes they just aren't that convenient. So I really wanted a "non cook" meal plan.

[11:24] I want to talk about the Appalachian Trail for a minute. You through-hiked the trail, is that right? and this is when you came up with the name Greenbelly? What is that all about? 

Yes, I did through hike the AT. The name came from field guides I was reading. I saw a description of a red bellied snake and I kind of liked the name red belly. Then I changed t greenbelly because it seemed to fit better for a food product.

Buy a Meal, Give a Meal

[12:16] I see it says Buy a Meal, Give a Meal what is that about? 

I was inspired by Tom's Shoes. They give a pair of shoes to someone who needs them every time you buy a pair. I wanted to do something with my company to give back so I connected with the Atlanta Food Bank. Anytime someone buys a bar we donate a meal to the Atlanta Food Bank.

[13:27] Other than hikers, who else would benefit from Greenbelly Bars?

Anyone who is traveling, cycling, health conscious and on the go can really get benefit from the bar. Even business people who want a quick easy nutritious lunch would benefit from the bars.

All Natural 

[14:34] The ingredients are all natural right?

Yes, it's all natural and many of them are organic.

[14:47] Have you launched a kick starter program?

Yes, we did launch a kick starter program. The challenge is that everything is made and packaged by hand right now. We're not able to keep with demand. We're hoping that crowd funding will help us expand and keep up with the demand for the bars.

[16:34] If someone wants to purchase a Greenbelly Bar how do you do that?

You can order bars at and we're in about 12 retail stores right now too, mostly on the east coast.

[17:45] What else should we know about these bars?

These really are different and substantially bigger than anything else on the market. They are more nutritious and not made just to "tide you over" these are a full meal replacement in one bar.

Follow Chris On-Line


Twitter: @greenbellybar 

Facebook: GreenBelly

KickStarter: GreenBelly

Sassy Girl Exercise Tune- Up

Engage your Core in the Lunge

[21:54] Hi Jessica!

Hi I'm excited to be back on the show.

[21:57 ]What are we talking about this week?

This week we're talking about the Lunge. A lot of people don't do them properly. One mistake I see people make is they forget to use their core. Lunges do require some pretty solid core strength.
It's common to see some people fall forward at the waist while performing their lunge. It's important to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise.

To keep proper form:

  • Focus on opening your chest by pulling your shoulder blades together.

  • Keep your core tight,

  • draw your belly button in and then up.

Get more awesome tips from Jessica at 

New Show: Funky Fitness Now

Funky Fitness NowCheck out our new show Funky Fitness Now

Jessica Bailey and I explore the weird, wacky and funky things people do to stay fit.

  • Do you know what Doga is?

  • Ever done up your hair, put on a pant suit and headed out on the local bike path to Prancercise?

  • Have you ever wondered how Burpees got their name?

We've covered all of that and more! There's a world of Funky Fitness out there and we plan to discover all of it. Stop by Funky Fitness Now and subscribe to the show so you never miss a wild weird and wacky episode!

It's a lot of fun...hope to see you there!

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Vegan Protein Powder – A Convenient Solution To Your Nutritional Needs

Abs are Made in the Kitchen

Potein ShakeThere's a saying that abs are made in the kitchen. But the truth is, abs are made both in the kitchen and in the gym. This simply underscores the importance of the right diet in achieving the best body you can possibly have. You can invest countless amounts of time and effort into lifting weights or running on the treadmill, but if you do not pay attention to your dietary needs, the effects of exercising would be minimal.

One of the important nutrients that your body needs is protein. Protein can be found in practically all body parts and is integral in building and repairing tissues. It is also vital in regulating a host of bodily functions while serving as building blocks for various cells.

And unlike fats and carbohydrates, the body does not store protein, so you need to consume it on a daily basis. On average, teenage boys and active men need three servings of protein amounting to a total of seven ounces. Children and less active women need two servings of protein amounting to a total of five ounces. Teen girls and active women and most men need two servings of protein amounting to a total of six ounces.

Higher Need for Protein

Take note that if you are exercising or engaged in a sports activity, even as a hobby, your need for protein becomes higher. After a workout or sports activity, your muscles suffer microtears. This is where protein becomes highly useful – in repairing these microtears.

Lean meat, fish, poultry, beans, nuts and whole grains are considered to be among the best sources of protein. However, if you are a vegan, you'll find that your protein sources may be limited or you may end up consuming the same types of food for protein with little variation in between.

This is where a vegan protein powder can prove advantageous. For one, you are assured that you are getting the nutrients your body needs to recover from strenuous activities and help build muscles that make your body stronger.

Next, you are assured that the source of protein comes from natural plant-based sources with no unnecessary ingredients added. A lot of the products you can find in market shelves do provide ample protein for your body. However, upon closer scrutiny, you would see that these have a host of unnecessary additives which may do more harm than good.

Finally, because the protein source is in powder form, you can use it in a variety of ways – in shakes and smoothies, in baked goodies, or by mixing it into your favourite food.

Chelsea SawyerAbout the author: Chelsea Sawyer is a certified health coach. She has been helping many people in changing their behaviors to keep them focused on achieving their health and fitness goals. With great passion for writing, her hobbies include writing and sharing helpful techniques on various health topics. She visits sites like

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Skinny on Sustained Weight Loss

Sustained Weight Loss

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with Dr. Eddie Fatakhov and he shares the skinny on sustained weight loss.

On today's show you’ll discover...

  • ...why fad diets just don’t work

  • you can lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle

  • ... and 5 easy things you can do right now to boost your metabolism and improve your healt

Also Jessica Bailey is back to share a tip on helping you get more from your push-ups in this week’s Sassy Girl Exercise Tune-up.

call the show: 207-370-9797


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About Dr. Fatakhov

Dr FatakhovDr. Eddie Fatakhov is a co-author of The Doctors’ Clinic-30 Program and a member of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians. Dr.Eddie is an expert in the field of nutrition and weight loss. He’s worked as a certified personal trainer,  nutritionist; and helped his clients lose weight by creating individualized exercise routines and meal plans.

As a physician, he is very familiar with the obesity epidemic that is facing this country. Daily, he guides his patients to healthier lifestyle choices, which help prevent disease and improve the overall quality of their lives.

Show Notes

[4:46] Background

Can you give us a background and how you became so passionate about helping people manage their weight?

I was obese as a teenager. After breaking my arm I decided to go the gym and that's where I started getting interested in working out and dieting.

I became a personal trainer a nutritionist and  then went to med school and became a physician. I believe this give me a unique perspective in order to help people.

[6:45] Misconceptions

What are some of the common misconceptions that you hear from people?

The biggest misconception is that people feel that a diet is short term. People need to think about it as a lifestyle. A lot of people who "diet" skip breakfast, then binge eat at night, which is exactly what sumo wrestlers do.

Watch skinny people, what are they doing? They are always eating. I tell people eat six times a day. Three meals and three healthy snacks.

[10:10] Biggest Struggle to Give up

What are some of the things that people really struggle to give up?

It's very hard for people to give up sugar and sugary stuff. Moderation is key to healthy weight loss.

What you really want is a long term solution. Those fad diets don't do it. The only thing that really works is moderation.

[13:27] Psychological Challenges

You see people make a big change, lose a lot of weight but then they slowly, overtime go back to where they were. Is there something psychological going on there?

Hormonal changes and psychological changes can impact the long term success of people who lose a lot of weight. Exercise is also important to help maintain that new weight.

When you lose the weight to quickly you body hasn't had the chance to adjust to it and your hormone levels change and you gain all the weight back.

You can't live on something like Paleo or Atkins for the rest of your life. Having that much protein is not good for you. 60 - 80% of the diet is protein and that just isn't healthy for you.

Paleo man did not live that long. Also everything then was all natural. However the Paleo is still better than the Standard American Diet (SAD). Almost anything is better than SAD.

[17:35] Processed Food

It's really hard to avoid processed food all together.

It is hard. People live in a fast paced world. There are not always enough hours in the day to cook for yourself so in my book I added weight watchers meals and lean cuisines.

Diet dressing and salad dressing really fool people. Some of these dressings are 1000 calories. Your salad is about the same as a Big Mac at that point.

You need 1200 calories a day. Some of these diets that claim you should eat 800 or 500 calories a day are simply depriving your body of the nutrients it needs. These are dangerous plans and unless these are being monitored by a health professional you should not be attempting that.

[23:23] Dr. Eddie Fatakhov's Book

You have a book and a program, is that right?

Eddie FatakhovI co-authored a book and I have a website and blog. This book is in it's fourth edition and I was honored to be a co-author. It's based on the exchange system. it's what Weight Watchers is based on.The difference is I teach you and you can get creative with it on your own.

I don't like the word diet, it's a program or a lifestyle. That's more accurate.

[27:15] How do we get a copy of your book?

Amazon or go to my site. I'm coming out with an audio book too. We self published the book and we're really doing it to help people.

[29:55] Five Things You Can do

Five simple things you can do to maintain a healthy weight.

1 - Eat breakfast

2 - Eat six meals a day, three main meals and three snacks

3 - Physical activity helps maintain weight loss

4 - Be spiritual - Be Happy

5- Get enough good quality sleep

Sassy Girl Exercise Tune - Up

The Push -up and your head position

Often I see people who look down at their feet or they let their head drop while doing a push-up. You're putting to much stress on your neck. Don't look to far out either. Keep your head in a neutral position in line with your spine.


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Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Story of Green Belly

The Green Belly Bar

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with Chris Cage about his Green Belly Bar.

On Today’s show you’ll discover...

  • this bar provide 1/3 of your daily requirement

  • ...why this is a great meal replacement for hikers, bikers and others

  • ...what inspired Chris to create this meal replacement bar and how Green Belly gives back to the community

call the show: 207-370-9797


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Last time, I talked with Dustin about the FOGO.  If you missed that episode check it out and get all caught up!

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About Chris Cage

Chris Cage

Greenbelly started off as a way to avoid the desk job after returning home with no money. It has turned into a fast growing and passion fueled project. We are so thankful to be maintaining the healthy work and lifestyle balance so many of us strive for.

Besides starting the biz, I backpack nearly every weekend and am a huge punk rock fan. I'd like to start rock climbing more and learn salsa.

My long term goal is to open an orphanage in Peru - help others, learn Spanish and explore the Andes to my heart's content.


Show Notes


Chris started out like everyone else does he finished college and said "now what?" He wanted adventure so he traveled  to New Zealand, biked and backpacked across the country before returning to the US and hiking the Appalachian trail from Maine to Georgia.

A big problem traveling was food. You become limited to fast food or over processed food. I wanted more nutrition and getting it from real food.


If Chris saw this need for  quick, portable, easy nutrition others must be dealing with similar issues.

Other people I met on the trail were eating this really bizarre food. A lot of other people were eating fast food and having a hard time finding good food on the road.


Green Belly BarChris admits he’s no chef so how does an outdoor adventurer dial in the proper nutrition and create something that tastes good?

I hired a chef and a food scientist to get that nutritional profile. After that it was about taking it to people and tweaking the recipe until we found something that tasted good too.


Obviously these are great for hikers and cyclists but you might be surprised to learn who else is benefiting from these meal replacement bars.

Anybody who is health conscious and on the go is the right person for this product. Many of our customers are business men and women who want something quick and nutritious to eat during their lunch. The ingredients are all natural nothing "funky" in here at all.


Chris wanted to follow in the “foot steps” (pun intended) of Tom’s shoes and build a company that gives back.

I wanted to do something beyond the profit motive. So we have a buy a meal give a meal program and we've partnered with the Atlanta Food Bank as a way to give back.


The Green Belly Bar is an all natural meal replacement that packs 1/3 of your daily requirement into an easy to use, compact and great tasting bar. And as if that’s not enough, Green Belly donates a meal to the Atlanta Food Bank for every bar you purchase!

If you want more information....if you want to help support green belly bars...if you want to get some bars for yourself... check out Chris’ kickstarter page at
Stay tuned later this month for my full interview with Chris from Green Belly Bars!


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