Thursday, June 18, 2015

5 Impressive Benefits of Drinking Celery Juice

Benefits of Celery Juice

Celery isn’t a superfood but it really is a great vegetable and when you juice it you can get even more of its nutritive content into your system.
Drinking celery juice has a number of great benefits to our health including lowering one’s risks of cancer, protecting one’s cardiovascular system, improving the appearance and feel of one’s skin, cleansing the body and helping the body to recover from stress and exercise and can even help one to get a good night’s sleep.
There is an endless list of good that celery juice can do to your body but for today we are going to look at 5 very impressive ones.

Reduces Inflammation caused by Inflammatory Diseases

The inflammatory Diseases asthma, gout, osteoporosis and arthritis can have a big impact on your body. If you are to add green celery juice to your diet you we will see a reduction in inflammation associated with these conditions. This is due to the polyacetylenes and the luteolin which is found in celery in large amounts.

Polyacetylenes work to lower inflammation by lowering the body’s inflammatory prostaglandin levels. Luteolin is an antioxidant flavonoid which has a powerful inhibitory effect on some of the genes and enzymes that are responsible for the body’s inflammatory response. Celery juice thereby helps to reduce inflammation due to these ingredients that can be ingested when you drink raw celery juice.

Enhances Sleep Quality

Celery juice helps to enhancing relaxation and as thus provides those who drink it regularly the added benefit of better sleep. It is high in magnesium which is the “calming mineral” which has been proven to cause difficulty with getting to sleep and overall relaxing when not consumed in regular amounts. Along with this is the high content of electrolytes which also help with sleep.

Fights Cancer

If you or a family member has been diagnosed with any form of cancer and are at any point in treatment or recovery you want to continue reading. Celery juice gets its cancer fighting properties from its phenolic acids, flavonols, antioxidants and furanocumarins. Scientific studies have proven that luteolin and apigenin; flavonoids found in celery help to prevent cancer cells from spreading. These flavonoids work along with the other nutrients in the vegetable in perfect synergy to help fight cancer.

Improves Overall Cardiovascular Health

Celery is rich in the nutrient phthalide which is a smooth muscle relaxant. By helping to relax the blood vessels smooth muscles you can lower your blood pressure. This same nutrient also helps to lower LDL cholesterol which improves your heart health.

Celery is also high in coumarins which help to reduce the effect that the stress hormone cortisol causes on our bodies. When there is too much cortisol in our bodies this causes constriction of the blood vessels which leads to hypertension and puts a strain on our entire circulatory system thus affecting the heart.
Celery also contains apigenin which is a bioflavonoid that has anti-inflammatory properties. This enables the expansion of the blood vessels which helps to reduce blood pressure and hypertension and promotes a healthier heart.

Cleanses and Detoxifies

Detoxifying the body is all the rage these days and for good reason. Celery does a great job at detoxifying the body. Celery offers a high alkalizing benefit to the body and being high in water it is very hydrating, both of which helps to clean and detoxify the body of its impurities.

Raw juices with celery as a main ingredient are even used for treating patients with kidney stones. As a powerful diuretic the juice of celery can remove excess water weight from the body as it efficiently flushes away toxins.
If you don’t have any of the above mentioned problems you can still benefit from drinking celery juice. Yes Drinking celery juice on a regular basis can provide the body with the above mentioned five impressive benefits but the benefits of this amazing vegetable doesn’t stop right there. Celery is high in a lot of other nutrients such as Vitamins ‘K’, ‘C’, ‘A’ and the B vitamins all of which are great for the skin. Celery can also help you after a workout since it is so hydrating and contains high levels of electrolytes.

About the Author

Jane McCafferty is a personal trainer and a health & fitness fanatic. In her spare time, she blogs over at Jane's Best Fitness.

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