Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How Selecting the Right Rewards Won't Leave you Feeling Guilty

RewardsSetting goals and milestones are a perfect way to stay motivated when it comes to fitness. They can help you gauge your progress and plot the path to your ultimate goal. They're also opportunities for celebration. Each new milestone represents another step closer.

Add a reward at those milestones and you can increase your motivation. However, you need to be careful because the wrong reward can leave you feeling guilty and can end up working against you. When deciding on a reward it's important to select something appropriate and in-line with your objective.

For example, a weekend in Vegas would not be a great reward for someone who's working to beat a gambling problem. So why do so many people select food as a reward for achieving weight loss goals?

How many times have we heard someone say they're going out for a big dinner to celebrate their weight loss? Why is it so common to use food as a reward?

Moods and Foods

For many, this idea of food as a reward goes all the way back to childhood. Many parents use food as a reward or consequence and it can interfere with the development of healthy eating habits at an early age. It also can set the stage for an association between certain moods and certain foods.

According to University of Rochester Medical Center

"...Offering otherwise off-limits food as a reward or special treat is also confusing. Children hear that they're supposed to enjoy foods that are good for them and avoid foods with little nutritional value. Being told that they can indulge in foods that are bad for them as a reward for doing something good sends a mixed message. They may also start associating unhealthy foods with certain moods—when you feel good about yourself, for instance, it's okay to reach for a sweet."

To compound things we have cake when we celebrate, ice cream when we win the game and an ice cream when we lose (just to make use feel better). It's no wonder so many people think of food as a reward.

Don't get me wrong, I like cake and I have nothing against food but if you're goal is to achieve a higher level of fitness or to lose weight there are other options that may be just as motivational.

Better Options

goals and rewardsHere are some other ideas for patting yourself on the back when you reach a new milestone.

  • Buy some new clothes;

  • Get some new workout gear;

  • Buy some new sneakers;

  • Take a vacation;

  • Go do something fun like skiing, or a white water rafting trip;

  • Get a massage;

  • Go to a spa;

  • Go see a movie, concert or play;


Whatever you decide, reward yourself with something you can feel good about. You've worked hard and your reward should reinforce that effort not leave you feeling guilty.

How do you reward yourself for fitness success? Leave a comment below!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle with Essential Vitamins

Essential Vitamins, A Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy LifestyleVitamins are among the most vital nutrients needed in the body. Vitamins come in different categories, but not all of them are overly vital in the body. A balanced diet must contain a good supply of protein, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins.

What are vitamins?

A set of substances and compounds that are needed for appropriate cell growth, function and development. They play a huge role in the body, which is why they are necessary. There are thirteen essential vitamins must be provided in the body for proper functioning. They are called essential because of the fact that your body is unable to create them in sufficient quantities and must get them from external sources.

Categories of vitamins

The essential vitamins are grouped into two categories;

• Fat-soluble vitamins. These are stored in the fatty tissues of the body. There are four types of fat-soluble vitamins, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K.

• Water-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins must be used immediately upon digestion and absorption. Any water-soluble vitamin that is left in the body will be eliminated when you pass water. Vitamin B12 is the only exception and can be stored in the body, in the liver, for years.

Water soluble vitamins need to be eaten daily, while fat soluble can be taken 2-3 times per week.

Types of Vitamins and their functions

Each vitamin has a specific job in the body. When there is not enough supply of vitamins there will be a vitamin deficiency that can lead to some health disorders. Some of the best sources of vitamins include beans, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fortified dairy foods, and lentils. Inadequate supply of such foods can lead to some health disorders like cancer and heart disease. Also, it can lead to osteoporosis or poor bone health. That said, here are the essential vitamins, along with their functions;

Informational source:

  • Essential VitaminsVitamin A forms and sustains healthy bones, teeth, skin, mucous membrane and soft tissues. Some great sources include liver, egg yolk, fish, and beef. Vitamin A has a safe upper limit, and can be stored in the liver for a long time. Supplementation of Vit A should be undertaken carefully. Too much Vit A can be lethal, in fact ingestion of a polar bears liver would be a fatal dose. However, provided that you maintain a healthy, balanced diet devoid of polar bear livers, levels of Vit A in your body will remain safe.

  • Vitamin B6 also goes by the name pyridoxine, it helps in the synthesis of red blood cells and the sustenance of brain function. It is also used along with proteins in the body. An excess supply of proteins can limit the levels of vitamin B6 in the body. It is abundant in nuts, seeds, poultry and fish. Also found in high doses in lean beef and offal meats, such as chicken/turkey liver and beef kidneys

  • Vitamin B12 is vital in the body’s metabolism, it helps in the synthesis of red blood cells and maintaining brain functions. The best places to find B12 are dairy and meat. Vegans may need to supplement this vitamin as there are only small amounts found in vegetables and grains. Absorption of B12 often declines as we age, so older people may also need to eat B12 fortified food or take additional supplements.

  • Vitamin C, sometimes known as ascorbic acid, and is considered an antioxidant that boosts the health of the gums and teeth. Probably the most well-known vitamin. Vitamin C also helps in the absorption of iron, the maintenance of healthy tissues in the body, and it encourages faster healing of wounds. Sources include Broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, spinach and strawberries. Most people will reach for a glass of orange juice for a Vit C boost, but are surprised to learn that the humble bell pepper contains around twice as much. Adding bell peppers is fairly easy to most meals in any style of cuisine.

  • Vitamin D. Called the sunshine vitamin as it is produced by the body upon exposure to sunlight. It doesn’t need to be many hours in the sun. Rather, exposure of ten to fifteen minutes, three times a week will help to supply the needed amount of Vitamin D in the body.

  • Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium, which is required for developing and maintaining strong bones and teeth. The vitamin also helps in the proper maintenance of phosphorus and calcium levels in the blood. Sources include egg yolks, meat and fish. Red salmon is an especially good source though most fish contain a good amount. Alternatively, plenty of foods can be fortified with Vit D, such as milk and cereals. However, it is difficult to get sufficient Vit D from food alone, so it is recommended to spend as much time outdoors as possible, especially if you live in a colder climate with fewer sunlight hours. Vitamin D deficiency has been links with physical and emotional disorders including cancer and depression. SAD, or seasonal affective disordercan be treated with exposure to sunlight.

  • Vitamin E or tocopherol is an antioxidant, it helps with the synthesis of the red blood cells and the proper functioning of Vitamin K in the body. Sources include seed and nuts, mango and papaya, dark green vegetables, avocado, and oils. It is very easy to get sufficient amounts of Vitamin E from food alone; a quarter cup of nuts or seeds almost fulfils the daily requirements for most healthy people

  • Vitamin K. Although not strictly speaking an essential vitamin as it is in part made by bacteria in the intestinal system it is included as it is necessary to blood function. This vitamin makes the blood clot; it is believed to assist development of healthy bones. Sources include cabbage, cauliflower, dark leafy vegetables, eggs, fish, beef, and cereals.

  • Niacin. Referred to as B3, it helps in the maintenance of healthy nerves and skin. Also, this vitamin helps to limit the cholesterol in the body. Examples include mushrooms, lean meat, fish, eggs, avocados, and legumes.

  • Biotin. This vitamin is vital in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. Also, it helps in the production of cholesterol and hormones. Sources include chocolate, egg yolk, cereals, yeast, pork, and nuts.

  • Folate. This vitamin will work along with vitamin B12 to promote the synthesis of the red blood cells. It is also required for the formation of DNA that will control the growth of tissue and functions of the cells. When a woman is pregnant, she is recommended to have a good supply of folate. Inadequate supply of the vitamin can lead to birth defects, like spina bifida. Sources include beets, broccoli, dried beans and green vegetables.

  • Riboflavin or B2 works along with other B vitamins to promotes the synthesis of the red blood cells and the growth of the body. Found in a wide variety of meat and vegetables

  • Thiamine, also known as Vitamin B1 helps with the conversion of carbohydrates into energy. During pregnancy and the lactation period, the body must have an adequate supply of carbohydrates. Sources include eggs, lean meats, nuts, peas and sprouts, and organ meats.

  • Pantothenic acid. This is a vitamin that is good for the food metabolism and also, it helps in the hormones and cholesterol production. Sources include eggs, legumes, leafy green veg, avocado, mushrooms, poultry, and milk.


Age and gender will determine the amount of vitamins that one needs to consume for perfect nutrition, it is highly advised to take foods in balanced portions. Varying the intakes of meat, fish and vegetables at each meal, and supplementing with nuts, seeds and dairy will cover the majority of your vitamins.

As a rule of thumb, it is advised to weigh your food for a while until you get the idea of correct portion sizes. However, you can get approximate measures by visual comparison. Meats and fish should be in portions around the size of a deck of cards or the palm of your hand. Vegetables should be in a measure about the size of your fist. Nuts, cheese and seeds can be added in portions close to the size of a pair of dice or your thumb. When selecting vegetables choose a wide selection by color. Eat the rainbow, as it were to include as many types as possible. This will aid in getting a balance of nutrients and also with the pleasure of eating as better looking food simply tastes better.

Providing that there is no medical reason, such as illness, age or pregnancy this simple system will enable even the busiest and picky eaters to get their recommended daily intake of vitamins without supplementation. Should a medical professional advise taking additional vitamins in tablet or injection form then eating a full varied diet will assist in those efforts.

About The Author

Alex Morgan – Currently studying in Dublin, Alex is a career writer, by choice! Versed in a number of subjects he mainly specialises in tech,education, health and fitness and gaming; of the video variety. He posts on a number of blogs and websites and harbours desires to begin a great novel, but struggles creating character names - Look for the epic fantasy "Tom the Barbarian" on shelves soon.

He can often be found on twitter under the handle @Al_Exical. He finds it comforting to talk about himself in the third person.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Product Review: PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter

Powdered Peanut Butter

PB2I didn’t enjoy peanut butter until I was in college. One day I happened to try some my mother always kept in the “random stuff” cupboard, and I enjoyed it. In fact I enjoyed an entire jar at one time—on multiple occasions. Where was this creamy delicacy all my life? Then what happened next was inevitable: I had to cut myself off from peanut butter. I was out of control.

Years passed after my ill-fated love affair with peanut butter. Suddenly it’s 2015, and I’m changing my diet to make healthy lifestyle changes. Peanut butter is often listed as an ingredient in healthy snacks but I could never bring myself to buy it. I knew what may happen. As much as it’s a healthy option, my lack of self-control would be an issue.

I told a friend of mine about my dilemma, and she recommended trying Bell Plantation’s PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter. Now when she said powdered, I was pretty much disgusted. It just sounded gross. I remembered my mother bought a jar of it a few years ago and said how good it was. I wasn’t convinced until I learned that a serving of PB2 was 2 tablespoons, which amounted to all of 45 calories. I wanted to try it.

For the past six weeks, I’ve been enjoying PB2. It’s delicious and healthy and often times, those two are pretty hard to find in the same food.

PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter

Here are some things you should know about Bell Plantation’s PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter:

  1. 45 calories per serving.

Yes, you read that right. A serving is 2 tablespoons of the powder. According to Bell Plantation’s website, PB2 has 85% less fat calories than traditional peanut butter. Two tablespoons of other regular peanut butter brands can have anywhere from 190 to 230 calories!

  1. It changes form.

You could eat PB2 straight from the jar as a powder if you want to, but there are other options. You can mix it with water (or any liquid according to the website) to give it a traditional consistency. As you add more water, it becomes creamier and smoother. Add water or liquid in small increments to achieve the desired consistency.

  1. Awesome to travel with.

If you’re going on a road trip, throw some PB2 in a container or sandwich bag. It won’t take up much space, and it mixes up quickly. If you’re like me and get headaches when you don’t eat every few hours, PB2 fits in a snack bag to keep in your purse or gym bag.

  1. Not bad for the price.

Grocery stores in the New Jersey area sell PB2 for about $4.99 per 6.5-ounce jar. Bell Plantation’s website compares the 6.5-ounce PB2 jar to 18 ounces of regular peanut butter. If buying in bulk is an option, their website offers a 12-pack of the 6.5-ounce jars for $47.88 plus shipping.

  1. Tasty? Check.

PB2 holds up in the flavor department against stiff competition from traditional peanut butter. It has a slightly milder nutty taste and is certainly less salty. PB2 also has a soft, sweet aspect to its flavor as well.

  1. Great for moderation.

Like I said, I could eat an entire jar of regular peanut butter. Eating powdered PB2 from its jar doesn’t appeal to me in the same way—and that’s not a bad thing. Because you can eat 2 or even 4 tablespoons depending on your diet, you end up with a large serving once you add water. It doesn’t make it feel like you’re depriving yourself, either, which is a reason some people can’t stick to dietary changes.

  1. Healthy? Check.

Some “diet” foods are loaded with ingredients that not every eater wants in his or her food. Bell Plantation states their products, including PB2 and others, are “all natural, preservative-free, and contain no artificial sweeteners.” If you have any questions on other ingredients or how PB2 is made, they are happy to provide additional information to customers here.

So there you have it. You can get your fix for peanut butter without so many calories (or the guilt). If you want to try some PB2 recipes, visit They have recipes for muffins, rice pudding, and even oatmeal raisin cookies. As Bell Plantation says, they’re “achieving great things with the humble peanut.” Try it!

About the Author

SIAN IMAGESian Babish is a writer from New Jersey. Before tearing up the floor in Zumba classes, she was kicking sky-high as a third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. She also enjoys cooking, Jeopardy!, and stand-up comedy. Sian uses her skills to give back by volunteering as a career mentor and resume writer. She is also the author of Medical Authorizations Made Easy, published in May 2015 on Follow @sianbabish on Twitter.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Top Athletes Adopt Vegan Diets with Incredible Results

Vegan Athletes Prove the Value of Eliminating Animal Products

Vegan AthletesMany cultures have thrived on vegan diets for millennia, and those for whom veganism is a personal, ethical, or political choice more often than not benefit from improved health in comparison to people who consume animal products. Despite this, many people—including the medical and athletic communities—have been slow to catch on. Concerns about the lesser quality of plant proteins, and adequate intake of B vitamins, have led athletes in particular to avoid choosing a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.

That's all changing now: top athletes are adopting vegan diets, with incredible results. Thanks to these successful celebrity athletes, the public is starting to think differently about veganism

  • Murray Rose, Olympian swimmer and holder of four gold medals

  • Carl Lewis, Olympian sprinter, holder of four gold medals and a World Championship win, considers his best year of track competition the year in which he adopted a vegan diet.

  • Patrick Baboumian, bodybuilder and strongman champion

  • Melody Schoenfeld, powerlifter with multiple state and national records

  • Brendan Brazier, Ironman and marathon champion

  • Mac Danzig, MMA fighter and winner of national and world titles

  • Heather Mills, world champion skiier and holder of multiple gold medals and world records

  • Venus Williams, who dropped out of the professional tennis world after being diagnosed with Sjogren's syndrome, credits her comeback to a newly-adopted raw vegan diet.

Nutritional Research

Nutritional research is starting to catch up, too. An increasing body of nutritional research demonstrates the incredible nutritional and health-boosting properties of plant-based foods. Many top nutritional scientists now realize that a vegan diet, far from being nutritionally deficient in terms of B vitamins and complete protein, is in fact an excellent choice for professional athletes.

As more and more people are learning about the benefits of vegan diets and discovering that not only can they enjoy a greater quality of life, but also achieve some of their most ambitious goals with the aid of high-profile public figures who have embraced the lifestyle and found their own lives more fulfilling because of it, veganism is becoming an accessible and healthy option for aspiring athletes and will continue to do so for years to come. - Curated from

Plant protein is in no way inferior to animal protein, and while plant-based foods are low in B12, the supplementation of many foods makes this virtually a non-issue.

About The Author

Mel Goulding is a writer and former healthcare worker. She is sharing this information and an article from on the Vegan diet and recent adoption by top athletes. Read the full article at

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Dietary Measures to Boost IBD Therapies

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

IBD TherapiesIBDs (Inflammatory Bowel Diseases) cause gastrointestinal inflammation, and eventually result in several digestive disorders and debilitating symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps, and loss of appetite. However, no foods that are being consumed on a daily basis can trigger inflammatory bowel diseases. Yet, doctors recommend the relevance of safer and healthy diet plans, as they help IBD patients boost the chosen treatment process, while averting the risks of flare-ups and relapses.

Diet plans can affect IBD signs and underlying gastrointestinal inflammation, the reason why IBD patients are advised to pay attention to their daily dietary regimens. Carefully and promptly implemented foods plans can go a long way towards reducing the symptoms, thereby promoting intestinal healing. That said, a healthy diet plan has to be coupled with the right medications for treatment for inflammatory bowel disease conditions. IBD patients are often prone to weight and malnutrition for many reasons.

Here are the most important ones among them:

  1. Loss of appetite

  2. Nausea

  3. Fear of eating

  4. Altered taste sensation

  5. Increase in caloric needs

  6. Poor digestion and malabsorption

Dietary Measures

The following dietary measures are crucial to avoid exacerbations:

Eating small meals are easy on digestion, and help avoid flare-ups. A diet plan with six small meals would be more recommended than three larger ones, irrespective of being healthy or not.

Drinking plenty of liquids a day will help alleviate water loss and dehydration. However alcohol, aerated drinks and other beverages, as well as caffeine can stimulate the intestine and aggravate the signs have to be avoided.

Multivitamins and mineral supplements are recommended when the risks of inability to digest and absorb nutrients are higher and pose several life-threatening complications. But these supplements can be consumed only upon receiving the guidance of a reputed doctor.

If IBD-related gastrointestinal inflammation is an acute and unbearable sign that we dread about, the exacerbating complications and debilitating signs that follow might worsen the health woes of inflammatory bowel disease patients. No matter whether one suffers from Crohn's disease or Ulcerative Colitis, when it comes to dealing with acute inflammation in the digestive tract, which is soon followed by several generic yet chronic signs, medications alone cannot work wonders and help patients avert IBD signs.

Hence, apart from the specialised treatments to curb inflammatory bowel disease signs, balanced and nutrition-filled diet plans are also recommended to help IBD patients restore their overall health and wellness. As IBD treatments have to help patients achieve and maintain remission or the symptom-free stage, and eventually regain the overall health and wellness, every chosen therapy has to be coupled with the right dietary plan that helps avert the risks of malnutrition. In other words, balanced and nutritious diets help regain the overall health, while alleviating IBD signs successfully.

Here are a few key reasons why good nutritional status is crucial for the effective IBD therapies that assure lasting remission:

  1. It helps boost the effect of the chosen medication

  2. Loss of proteins, minerals, and other necessary nutrients will result in weight loss and malnutrition. In order to compensate this loss, due to acute diarrhoea, one has to choose the right diet plan to regain the required quantum of essential nutrients, while combating active IBD signs.

  3. Loss of essential nutrients can result in major growth issues in both children and teenagers.

  4. Weight loss and malnutrition in women might result in major changes in hormonal levels, eventually causing menstrual changes or missed periods.

Contrary to the conventional method of choosing a balanced diet with a wide variety of foods, IBD patients have to adopt custom diet plans that help avoid flare-ups.

These regimens are based on the following factors:

  1. IBD condition diagnosed

  2. Severity of the disease

  3. Affected area of the body

More information can be obtained on The Gut Peoplea bespoke social networking website, developed solely for gastroenterologists around the world. GI health care experts who specialize in GI disorders can register with The Gut People and start interacting with top GI experts on various commonly found gastrointestinal disorders like inflammatory bowel disease and intestinal tuberculosis.

The Gut People is also equipped with unique functionalities that help download informative documents on gastrointestinal disorders, as well as their comprehensive diagnosis steps and advance treatment methods.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Importance of Good Nutrition For Individuals in Recovery

Negative Health Effects of Substance Abuse

The negative health effects of substance abuse (be that substance drugs or alcohol) are well documented. However one of effects that many people forget to consider are the negative effects that substance use disorders (SUDs) can have on nutrition. Many individuals suffering from SUDs have very poor diets and may even suffer from malnutrition.

When entering recovery for their SUD, many recovery units will focus on emotional and spiritual recovery, rather than on physical and nutritional recovery. However, to do so would be a very grave mistake. Returning to regular meal times and a focus on food can leave addicts in recovery experiencing weight gain that can leave them feeling unhappy and depressed, and could even cause them to relapse as a way of shifting their new weight. However recovery units that employ registered dietary nutritionists tend to have much higher success rates and provide a vital service to the addicts that use them.


To demonstrate the incredible effects these services can have, an intervention study called REHEALTH (The Recovery Health Eating and Active Learning in Treatment Houses) was trialled, and it was found that offering healthier food options, cookery classes and nutritional education, as well as independent nutritional support, not only lead to those within the program having lower BMIs, it also lead to positive behaviour changes across the board.

A study by Barbadoro et al. (2011) investigated the impact of a nutrition education intervention on the nutritional knowledge and behaviors of 58 alcohol dependent participants in an inpatient treatment facility in Italy. The authors found a positive correlation between the nutrition intervention and the participants’ knowledge of the relationships among nutrition, food, and health, stating that:“Alcohol dependent individuals are receptive to educational messages regarding nutritional health.” - Curated from

The importance of choosing nutritious food options should be emphasized as early as possible during the recovery process. This will encourage individuals in recovery to practice self-care and to take responsibility for their own health and rehabilitation. Nutrition intervention for those in recovery is very important, and whilst it isn't common practice in all recovery facilities, it certainly is massively beneficial.

About the Author:

Mel Goulding is a writer and former healthcare worker. She is sharing an article by  David A Wiss and Kristie Moore who explore hands on nutrition intervention for people who are on the road to good health. Read the full article at


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Stay Active In College

Students OutsideCollege is a transformative period in a person’s life. The better part of four years is dedicated to academic and professional growth, but what happens to your body during that time? Long periods of sitting, studying, and questionable food indulgences can all slow down your activity level. It can even affect your mood. Why not kick start a new chapter in life with your best foot forward? Here are some ways you can stay active while keeping your “gains” academic in nature:

Scope Out Campus Perks

Most colleges offer free access to their fitness center and athletic resources. Some campus gyms offer group fitness classes like Kickboxing and Yoga. It doesn’t just stop at a gym— it may also include Olympic-sized pools, tennis courts, and even trampolines.

Meet Degree Requirements

Since electives are free game, make the most of them. Art courses like ballroom dancing or martial arts can make for a pretty action-packed semester. Anthropology class may have intense local excavation digs. In Marine Biology, you might do research on a boat or the beach. Nutrition or Cooking courses might not give you a workout, but it will give insight into your diet and healthy living.

Stay Active in the Community

Community service requirements for graduation are becoming commonplace in higher education. Habitat for Humanity has several local chapters in each state, many of which recruit college-based volunteers. You can even grab your hammer and go abroad with Habitat for Humanity! Ever try and move 100 cases of canned food and cook for up to 500 people? Food pantries and shelters are always looking for volunteers, particularly around holidays. Beautification projects around town can include gardening, mural painting, trash collection, and wildlife preservation.

Check Out Campus Clubs

New outdoor sports and activity clubs pop up on campus every year. My alma mater, Monmouth University, even had a paintball club when I was a student. You could go on discounted ski trips, play volleyball, and even parkour. Clubs are often started by students, so go ahead and start a club yourself!

Tour Parks & Recreation

Going off campus and acquainting yourself with the county park system is a must. My home state of New Jersey has fantastic resources and activities in its parks. Boat tours, 5K races, camping, rock climbing, hiking, Ultimate Frisbee, surfing, fitness clinics, and more are offered. Like golfing? You can play county courses if you become a member. Disc golf has also risen in popularity so if you want to try something new, check it out.

Train for an Extreme Event

Are you ready for a Tough Mudder, Spartan Death Race, or Triathlon? Committing to a training schedule for extreme events is fun and keeps you motivated. Often when you register for events, you can get a team discount, too. Maybe you can start a club!

So get off that chair and get involved. Balance that GPA with a healthy meal and some fresh activities, and you’ve got the recipe for academic and personal success. Go get ‘em!

About the Author

SIAN IMAGESian Babish is a writer from New Jersey. Before tearing up the floor in Zumba classes, she was kicking sky-high as a third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. She also enjoys cooking, Jeopardy!, and stand-up comedy. Sian uses her skills to give back by volunteering as a career mentor and resume writer. She is also the author of Medical Authorizations Made Easy, published in May 2015 on Follow @sianbabish on Twitter.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Paleo: 5 Reasons You Should Try It

While it might not “break the internet” the same way, there’s still a lot of talk about the emerging Paleo community. I started incorporating Paleo recipes into my life about a year ago. Here are the reasons the average person, like me, ought to give it a go:

1. It’s not as expensive as you would think.

PaleoRecently I went off a long, strong Paleo kick for reasons of convenience due to a hand injury. Even though I didn’t go crazy buying processed food at the grocery store, I still picked up a few items here and there that were easy to make—and easy to open! My weekly grocery bill was about $15 to $20 more expensive than usual.  You’d also be surprised how many meals you can get out of a cart with fruits and vegetables.

2. Short on time? No problem.

Paleo eliminates processed foods, but allows a wide variety of wholesome vegetables and fruits (among many, many other things) to choose from. I like to think since you’re “limited” on ingredients, you’re emancipated from a lot of processed easy-eating meals. Time management in the kitchen improves. If you’re eating fresh food, meal planning is inevitable—but a good thing. Paleo frittatas made ahead make hectic mornings a lot less stressful.

Some recipes are quick and easy to make, such as the two-ingredient breakfast pancakes. All you need to do is mash a banana, mix well with a beaten egg, and cook it in a pan—and it takes you all of 5 minutes. It would take at least twice as long to make pancakes from scratch or packaged batter. For me, the sooner I can eat breakfast, the better!

3. Got some free time? Get creative.

A few people in my life inspired me to try Paleo, and they all have one thing in common: they like to cook. More ingredient-diverse Paleo recipes introduced me to foods I never gave a chance, like beets. I’m eating more types of vegetables because I had to expand my palate. Many recipes are also vegetarian-friendly and conversely, you can eat (and modify as needed) many recipes out of a vegetarian cookbook. I can’t eat fish due to an allergy, but a glance at any Paleo fish recipe can make your mouth water (and mine break out in hives).

4. Apps? Yep, they’ve got that.

The popularity of Paleo means that technology needs to follow it. Paleo Nom Nom, Healthy Out, and MyFitnessPal are great tools to track your food. Realistically speaking not everyone has the time to track every meal of every day. I’ve done it in spurts with MyFitnessPal and even when I don’t use the app, I find myself more conscious of my intake. Paleo Nom Nom helped me tremendously when I need to know “yes/no” in terms of what was considered Paleo. There are tools, as well as a huge online community, that can give you feedback, recipes, and other helpful fitness tips.

5. Even if you don’t adopt it 100%, it’s worth incorporating into your life.

Fad diet? Nope! It’s not a fad, and it’s not a diet. It’s actually more considered a lifestyle, as opposed to a temporary (or permanent) set of rules and recipes. If you’ve ever seen the Paleo “lists” of foods and exclusions, it’s easy to see how it encompasses a life change.


Admittedly I don’t follow Paleo 100%. For me it’s more of 75/25. The 25% consists of going out and occasionally enjoying pizza, pasta, and trying other foods when I travel abroad. Compared to my diet before eating Paleo, that 25% reflects not only a fraction of what it used to be, but also dons the moderation factor. I enjoy food now, instead of binging. I stopped treating pizza like it’s my last meal on the planet. For those who are strictly 100% Paleo, I commend your commitment.

About the Author

SIAN IMAGESian Babish is a writer from New Jersey. Before tearing up the floor in Zumba classes, she was kicking sky-high as a third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. She also enjoys cooking, Jeopardy!, and stand-up comedy. Sian uses her skills to give back by volunteering as a career mentor and resume writer. She is also the author of Medical Authorizations Made Easy, published in May 2015 on Follow @sianbabish on Twitter.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Simple Tips to Take Care of Your Body

Take Care of Your Body

Take Care of Your BodyThe quality of life is dictated by more factors, yet one of them stands up in the crowd – your physical health. However, this is when real problems occur. When most people are too busy to make money or care for their families, they inevitably fail to take care of themselves. They barely have time to exercise, not to mention about having the right meal. An entrepreneur will see this situation from a different point of view – there is no such thing as not having time. Instead, it is about priorities. If you truly want to take your body to the next level, start with your health. Luckily, these changes do not demand too much work, but just a little attention to small details. So, what should you be careful about?


It is said that sleep is for the weak. On a different principle, sleep is also the reason wherefore so many people feel exhausted, tired, busy and overwhelmed. They have no clue what productivity means. When it comes to your physical health, sleep is essential. You need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, so having seven or eight hours of sleep every night is critical. No matter how often you hit the gym or what kinds of protein rich foods you take, one thing is sure – these things will not work if you do not sleep enough. Keep in mind that catching up on weekends will not work. Instead, it will only dazzle your internal system, so you will end up with even more problems in the long run. It goes without saying, but investing in a high quality premium mattress is one of the best decision you can make when it comes to improving your sleep.


To some people, meditation is a trend. To many others, it represents an actual lifestyle. The best solution is somewhere in the middle. Meditation is not a trend. Instead, it can become your best friend in boosting your physical health. You only have to “waste” 20 minutes a day and the results will become visible in no time. All in all, the benefits of meditation will become obvious from day one. You will lose stress and increase your immunity. You will also lower the blood pressure, not to mention the exquisite sleep. This is the optimal way to disconnect from all your daily problems and concerns.


Tea can become your best friend. Tea is by far the best average for your physical health – apart from the water, of course. You do not need to suffer from a cold to have tea. Just remember that each type of tea has its own pros and cons. For example, the constant consumption of green tea will work on cognition and memory, especially in men. Green tea also boosts the metabolism and lowers the blood pressure. Got a bad smelling breath? Drink green tea. Every type of tea has its own benefits though. If you are not a huge fan of tea, consider at least investing in a masticating juicer and preparing yourself some natural drinks instead of coffee or soda. The long term effects for your health will be amazing.


In the end, you do not need to be a doctor or a specialist to get your body on track. Instead, pay attention to small details and make some small changes in your lifestyle. Everything else becomes easier at that point.

Author Bio

Veronica FaeiryVeronica is the chief editor of Lava Reviews, bringing you the latest expert reviews and top ratings. For more expert reviews, check out Lava Reviews.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

5 Impressive Benefits of Drinking Celery Juice

Benefits of Celery Juice

Celery isn’t a superfood but it really is a great vegetable and when you juice it you can get even more of its nutritive content into your system.
Drinking celery juice has a number of great benefits to our health including lowering one’s risks of cancer, protecting one’s cardiovascular system, improving the appearance and feel of one’s skin, cleansing the body and helping the body to recover from stress and exercise and can even help one to get a good night’s sleep.
There is an endless list of good that celery juice can do to your body but for today we are going to look at 5 very impressive ones.

Reduces Inflammation caused by Inflammatory Diseases

The inflammatory Diseases asthma, gout, osteoporosis and arthritis can have a big impact on your body. If you are to add green celery juice to your diet you we will see a reduction in inflammation associated with these conditions. This is due to the polyacetylenes and the luteolin which is found in celery in large amounts.

Polyacetylenes work to lower inflammation by lowering the body’s inflammatory prostaglandin levels. Luteolin is an antioxidant flavonoid which has a powerful inhibitory effect on some of the genes and enzymes that are responsible for the body’s inflammatory response. Celery juice thereby helps to reduce inflammation due to these ingredients that can be ingested when you drink raw celery juice.

Enhances Sleep Quality

Celery juice helps to enhancing relaxation and as thus provides those who drink it regularly the added benefit of better sleep. It is high in magnesium which is the “calming mineral” which has been proven to cause difficulty with getting to sleep and overall relaxing when not consumed in regular amounts. Along with this is the high content of electrolytes which also help with sleep.

Fights Cancer

If you or a family member has been diagnosed with any form of cancer and are at any point in treatment or recovery you want to continue reading. Celery juice gets its cancer fighting properties from its phenolic acids, flavonols, antioxidants and furanocumarins. Scientific studies have proven that luteolin and apigenin; flavonoids found in celery help to prevent cancer cells from spreading. These flavonoids work along with the other nutrients in the vegetable in perfect synergy to help fight cancer.

Improves Overall Cardiovascular Health

Celery is rich in the nutrient phthalide which is a smooth muscle relaxant. By helping to relax the blood vessels smooth muscles you can lower your blood pressure. This same nutrient also helps to lower LDL cholesterol which improves your heart health.

Celery is also high in coumarins which help to reduce the effect that the stress hormone cortisol causes on our bodies. When there is too much cortisol in our bodies this causes constriction of the blood vessels which leads to hypertension and puts a strain on our entire circulatory system thus affecting the heart.
Celery also contains apigenin which is a bioflavonoid that has anti-inflammatory properties. This enables the expansion of the blood vessels which helps to reduce blood pressure and hypertension and promotes a healthier heart.

Cleanses and Detoxifies

Detoxifying the body is all the rage these days and for good reason. Celery does a great job at detoxifying the body. Celery offers a high alkalizing benefit to the body and being high in water it is very hydrating, both of which helps to clean and detoxify the body of its impurities.

Raw juices with celery as a main ingredient are even used for treating patients with kidney stones. As a powerful diuretic the juice of celery can remove excess water weight from the body as it efficiently flushes away toxins.
If you don’t have any of the above mentioned problems you can still benefit from drinking celery juice. Yes Drinking celery juice on a regular basis can provide the body with the above mentioned five impressive benefits but the benefits of this amazing vegetable doesn’t stop right there. Celery is high in a lot of other nutrients such as Vitamins ‘K’, ‘C’, ‘A’ and the B vitamins all of which are great for the skin. Celery can also help you after a workout since it is so hydrating and contains high levels of electrolytes.

About the Author

Jane McCafferty is a personal trainer and a health & fitness fanatic. In her spare time, she blogs over at Jane's Best Fitness.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Healthy Dieting 101: 5 Healthy Foods that Help with Anti-Aging

5 Healthy Foods

Health FoodYou can't hold back the hands on the clock of time. The years are going to continue to fly by and it may feel like they are marching across your body. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it. Put the right kind of fuel into your body and you can make sure all systems are working at optimal levels. Take care of yourself with the carefully selected foods and they can have anti-aging properties, making you feel younger from the inside out. Make conscious decisions about what you eat and be sure to include five, healthy foods that should be at the top of your list.

1. Don’t Forget Your Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent source of protein and calcium. The protein will help you to build muscle and calcium is essential to promote healthy bones. The bacteria contained in yogurt is another bonus because it actually benefits your digestive system. You can have balance when it comes to your intestinal tract, avoiding issues with constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and a host of other problems.

2. You Can Have Your Chocolate and Eat it Too

Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is good for you as well when eaten in moderation. It contains flavonoids which have been found to aid in the healthy functioning of your blood vessels. In essence, regular intake of a few pieces of dark chocolate or a dark chocolate beverage can help you to have younger blood vessels. Protect your circulatory system and you can stave off many problems that plague the aging, like diabetes and high blood pressure.

3. Check Out the Catch of the Day

Fish should be a mainstay in your diet. Certain types of fish, such as salmon, have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. They protect your body from inflammation and reduce your cholesterol levels. Include fish in your daily regimen and you are more likely to have a healthier heart. Keep your heart strong and the rest of your body will thank you for it.

4. Grab a Handful of Nuts

Nuts are high in antioxidants, vitamins, and unsaturated fats. Taking in the right kind of fat into your body is actually beneficial, reducing your risk of developing various types of cancer. You can also hold off heart disease simply by including raw, pain nuts in your diet on a regular basis.

5. Stay Hydrated

Water is often called the elixir of life for a reason. It promotes healthy functioning of all of the systems in your body and flushes toxins away. Drink at least eight glasses a day to reap the most benefits to hydrate your body. You can give yourself a boost by including water that has been enriched with nutrients. Asea is one type of enhanced water that includes redox signaling molecules. These molecules are responsible for healthy functioning of your cells. As you age, your cells do not communicate or function as well as they did when you were younger. By increasing your levels of redox signaling molecules, the cells of your body can perform repairs more efficiently.

The Fountain of Youth does not exist. However, your lifestyle choices can make you feel more youthful. With daily exercise and foods that are beneficial for your health, you get look forward to your golden years. Make wise decisions and avoid habits, such as smoking, that could put you at risk. Remember that your body is your temple. Treat it accordingly by taking in foods that are preservatives, rather than anything artificial or harmful that could tear it down.

About the Author

Lizzie WeakleyLizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She studied communications at Ohio State University. She enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her 3-year-old husky Snowball.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

6 Tips to Aid in Weight Loss and Prevent the Sumo Wrestler Look

Prevent The Sumo Wrestler Look

Cartoon of a sumo wrestlerIn Japanese, the word Sumo means “striking one another”. Sumo wrestling is a competitive, martial art sport in Japan. It requires full body contact, where the wrestler has to force his opponent out of a circular rink or make the opponent touch the ground with any body part, except for the soles of the feet. This sport is regulated by the Japan Sumo Association and has become quite popular in Europe, the U.S., and many other parts of the world. When you think of Sumo Wrestlers, you imagine huge people, weighing in excess of 300 pounds. That is because all Sumo Wrestlers have the same goal, which is to gain weight. The eating strategies they employ help Sumo Wrestlers become heavier and meet their goal weight. What many Americans do not realize is that they employ the eating strategies that of a Sumo Wrestler and expect to lose weight as a result.

Give it some thought. Most people wake up early; skip breakfast and sometimes even lunch; go to the gym; work all day; binge eat at dinner; and go to sleep. That cycle is true for many Americans today. In a fast-paced society with long work hours, it becomes easy to adopt the Sumo Wrestler diet without even thinking about it. Below are 6 easy-to-follow tips that can help prevent you from looking like a Sumo Wrestler. As you read these tips, please keep in mind that losing weight is a process and is not magic. Just make small, attainable adjustments and before you know it, your bad eating habits will be in the past.

6 Tips to Aid in Weight Loss

Eat Breakfast

Sumo Wrestlers never eat breakfast to help maximize their weight gain. Your body has been fasting all night long, so skipping breakfast puts the body in starvation mode. This results in the body slowing down its metabolism for the whole day, which creates a larger appetite for dinner. In order to prevent your body from going into starvation mode, start your day by eating breakfast, as it is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast will revive your metabolism from its fasting state, which took place when you were sleeping, and help curb your appetite throughout the day. Studies have shown people who eat breakfast tend to be skinner than people who skip breakfast.

Do Not Exercise on an Empty Stomach

If you fail to fuel your body, prior to working out, your body will go into starvation mode and decrease your metabolic rate. Additionally, your body will start using protein for energy, which will be counterproductive to your exercising goals. Always have a pre-workout snack, like a banana, yogurt, or a grain bar. Focus on carbohydrates because they are the quickest form of energy and that is what your body will use during the workout. After your workout, make sure to have a post-workout snack that has protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. That will refuel your body and prevent muscle breakdown. Sumo Wrestlers intentionally avoid eating while they train so their bodies go into starvation mode, which accelerates their goal of gaining weight.

Eat Every Three Hours

Eating every three hours keeps your metabolism working all day. It helps maintain proper blood sugar control, which prevents fat storage; and keeps your hunger hormones in check, which ensures better portion control and no over-eating. Sumo Wrestlers avoid breakfast and other snacks, and only eat 1 to 2 meals a day. Usually, Sumo Wrestlers binge eat at night to ensure a great caloric surplus, which increases insulin release and fat storage, for maximum weight gain.

Limit Your Consumption of Alcohol

Sumo Wrestlers drink a large amount of beer with their meals. Alcohol contains 7 Kcal per gram consumed and is metabolized in the same way as fat. If not monitored, the calories from alcohol can add up quickly and lead to weight gain. You should have no more than 3 to 5 servings of alcohol per week. For optimal weight loss, it is best to avoid drinking alcohol altogether.

Limit Eating at Restaurants

Restaurants provide us with large menus and numerous choices, which can lead to poor decisions and overeating. Plus, you cannot control the ingredients that make up your meals. Most restaurants use a shocking amount of fatty products to create delicious food. Cooking at home helps you maintain control over the ingredients in your food and also allows you to maintain portion control. And you can always cook a little extra to pack for lunch the following day.

Do Not Eat a Large Dinner and Go Straight to Bed

A lot of Americans binge eat at night, watch TV, then go to sleep. That practice provides no way to maintain proper glycemic control or to burn off the thousands of calories consumed at dinner. It also builds bad sleep hygiene practices, which will also prevent proper weight loss. Eating and going to sleep is exactly how Sumo Wrestlers achieve weight gain. They will binge eat for 3 to 4 hours per night and go straight to bed; that practice releases large amounts of insulin, which prevents fat breakdown and aids in fat storage throughout the night.
After reading this if you are in disbelieve I challenge you to avoid the bad habits of a Sumo Wrestler for 2 weeks and see if you lose weight in the process. I am confident you will lose weight and start to feel great about your health.

Author Bio

Dr FatakhovEddie Fatakhov, M.D., M.B.A., has spent years as a personal trainer and nutritionist, helping his clients with weight issues and providing them with tools for a healthier lifestyle. Now, as a physician in training and a member of American Society of Bariatric Physicians, he plans to dedicate his focus on bariatric medicine (weight loss management specialist) to help his patients not only lose weight, but to keep it off.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Staying Hydrated with Celebrity Fitness Trainer Kathy Kaehler

Staying Hydrated

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast Kathy Kaehler is on the show to talk about the importance of staying hydrated. She shares some creative ways to work more water into your day.

On Today’s show you’ll discover...

  • easy way to turn your tap water into a refreshing sparkling water option;

  • ...why staying hydrated is so important for your health;

  • ...several easy strategies for incorporating more water into your day!

call the show: 207-370-9797


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About Kathy Kaehler

Kathy KaehlerFitness Hall of Famer and nationally-recognized healthy living spokesperson Kathy Kaehler is a resource for the best in knowledge, products, and programs. For more than two decades Kathy has been a trusted expert nationally, helping everyone from the soccer mom to the celebrity superstar get in shape and adopt a healthy lifestyle. A working mom who has worked with A-list Hollywood celebrities including Julia Roberts, Michele Pfeiffer, Kim Kardashian, and Jennifer Aniston, Kathy is the creator of Sunday Set-Up,™ an online subscription program featuring a signature system for organizing food at the beginning of the week, ensuring healthy snacks and meals make it to the table all week long. Celebrities including Tiffany Theissen, Melissa Rivers, Nancy O’Dell, Angie Harmon, Lisa Rinna, and Rebecca Romijn have embraced Sunday Set-Up, along with thousands of families across the nation.

Kathy is a best-selling author who has penned popular titles including, Mom Energy…A Simple Plan To Live Fully Charged, Teenage Fitness, Kathy Kaehler’s Celebrity Workouts, Real World Fitness and Fit and Sexy for Life. For additional insights into her lifestyle, advice, and fans, you can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, and at her website

Why Include Hydration

[10:56] You were designing one on one trainings for people where did proper hydration come into those fitness plans?

It's a message I learned all the way back in college. You hear the recommendation on why we should have water. It's a way to quench thirst but also to provide proper hydration when we exercise. The phrase is before you drink before, during and after a workout.

It's something that has become more and more a reality when you see the numbers and the people in this country who walk around dehydrated. For many people there are so many choices of things to drink people forget about water.

There are so many people who don't take a sip of water all day long. So I really have stepped forward in the education and awareness space to say we have to drink water. Water is a huge part of our body.

There are negative effects of being dehydrated. It may be headaches, it may be a lack of energy, clarity or lack of focus. It can also be physiological our organs rely on that lubrication and flushing of toxins.

I have partnered with Soda Stream and I have had a wonderful time introducing Soda Stream to people as a great product to help with hydration. I have been using Soda Stream for a very long time.

It's a home system that turns your tap water into sparkling water. It sits on your counter and it is a fabulous way to get more water into your day. It's a new twist on getting your water.

You can also naturally flavor your water to for some more variety.

[14:21] It's difficult for people because you get used to these other flavors, sodas and things like that. Is that part of the struggle people have to drink enough water throughout the day?

There was a survey conducted by north start on behalf of Soda Stream they found that 40% of Americans are reaching for something other than water to quench their thirst. We are so inundated with so many other options. Water is a second thought.

One other thing to love about getting water and using Soda Stream is it's natural, healthy and good for the planet.

[16:30] There was a news story about how unhealthy it was for people to reuse plastic water bottles because the chemicals in the plastic each into the water. So, if you can get your water right from your faucet, why not?

Yes, in fact, Soda Stream has made sure to use materials that are BPA free as a result. It's nice that we can eliminate that step.

Creative Ways to Incorporate More Water Into Your Day

Girl drinking water[18:08] I should be drinking about 90 ounces of water a day. I play a game with myself to drink 32 ounces before lunch, 32 ounces before the end of the day and 32 ounces on the way home from work. What are some other creative ways to make sure you get your water in for the day?

It's great because so many people are into tracking things now. Track your workout, your steps etc... so why not track your water. You can come up with some easy tricks to help you get enough water in. The bottles that come with the Soda Stream are great because they give you the ounce right on the bottle.

Another idea is to make your water or prepare it ahead of time. Set it up in the morning to help stay focused.

Make it more attractive. Use a fancy pitcher, fill it with water, put some slices of lemon or cucumber and set it right up front on a shelf in your refrigerator. When you go to get something to drink or eat your pitcher is there, it's inviting and you select the water.

Create ways that work for you and things that are motivating.

It's important to monitor yourself and make sure you're getting enough water. If your pee is bright yellow you're not getting enough. Another sign of dehydration is that you're not going to the bathroom frequently enough. You really should be going every hour or so.

[21:51] I find that once you start drinking water on a regular basis your body craves it. It gets easier and easier to reach for the water.

That's right. I did a study with some of my clients and I had some people that were very big diet soda drinkers. The study was to see if they could add more water into their day by just having a Soda Stream machine. It was amazing to see how they changed. Those with the Soda Stream consumed 43% more water than those who didn't.

Health Benefits of Drinking Water

[23:07]  Can you talk about some of the benefits you can expect when you start drinking more water?

A lot of people get tired toward the end of the day. Water can give you more energy. Headaches can be helped by drinking more water. Many headaches are caused by dehydration. Water also helps you feel more full and it can help people from grabbing those mindless calories.

[24:32] I have had several people on the show that have made major body transformations and every one of them have said "oh, I drink all kinds of water". It was a huge part of their program to get back into shape.

A lot of athletes are committed to having the right amount of water. They know how it helps their body work properly.

We also drink a lot of caffeine in this country between coffee and soda. Caffeine is dehydrating.

Follow Kathy On-Line

[25:24] How can we find out more about you?

I am super easy to find on-line:

Kathy's Website
Soda Stream USA

Soda Stream is very easy to find. They are also in Target, Bed Bath and Beyond and other major retailers.

I also have a show called Fit and Sexy for Life it's online every Wed.

Sassy Girl Exercise Tune-Up with Jessica Bailey

[27:31What are we talking about this week?


stickman doing crunchesI want to talk about crunches. There are common mistakes people make that take away from the effectiveness of crunches. I want to share some simple things you can do to make your time worthwhile.

  • Avoid tucking your chin into your chest

  • If you could fit a baseball or orange between your chin and chest that's good form.

  • Avoid jerking forward

  • Keep your abs contracted the entire time and make the work come from your abs.

There are more effective ab exercises than the crunch. The three best exercise for ab muscles:

  1. High plank

  2. Forearm Plan

  3. Bicycle Crunch

Get more tips from Jessica at

Funky Fitness Now

Funky Fitness NowJessica Bailey and I have a new show called Funky Fitness Now where we take a fun look at the Weird, Wacky and Funky things people do to get fit. Last week we talked about retro-running and it was a great time....Check it out at 

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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Better Trail Nutrition with Greenbelly Bar

Greenbelly Bar

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with Chris from Greenbelly Bar.

On Today’s show you’ll discover...

  • ...a meal replacement bar for hikers, bikers or any busy person on the go.

  • ...a natural, compact and easy alternative to eating on the trail

call the show: 207-370-9797


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Last week, I talked with Alan Muskat about foraging for wild food.  If you missed that episode check it out and get all caught up!

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Greenbelly Bars

About Chris Cage

Chris at Mt KatahdinChris is the founder of Greenbelly. It all started back in 2012 when he decided to quit his job as an accountant to pursue the life he wanted to live. He spent the next 2 years teaching English in Thailand, volunteering at an orphanage in Cambodia, backpacking through Asia, touring New Zealand by bicycle and eventually the entire 2,185 mile Appalachian Trail.

While on his travels he thought about making an entire nutritionally balanced meal for endurance athletes and individuals on the go. Not just a "bar" to fill in the hungry cracks of the day, rather an entire meal that would supply about 1/3 of an individual's daily nutritional needs. It would be healthy, with all natural ingredients and no artificial preservatives. The Green Belly Bar was born.

The Idea for Green Belly Bars

[4:16] Welcome to Outside Health and Fitness. You are in Georgia right? 

Yes, I'm down here in Georgia.

[4:47] How did you come up with the idea for the Green Belly Bar? 

I always wanted to some exploring, traveling and hike the AT. While on the AT I had time to start thinking about food. When you're on the go it's hard to find something easy and nutritious. So I started thinking about developing this meal bar that I could substitute for a full meal. I started thinking why not just divide the daily requirements by three and design a bar that would provide 1/3 of your daily nutrition?

[8:45] You saw this issue with food while you were traveling and you know if you're having the issue others are too. 

Yes, I remember coming up to these guys that were out cycle touring in New Zealand and we all stopped for lunch. I was eating a peanut butter and cucumber sandwich. The guys I stopped with were drinking this ooze of peanut butter and honey. I remember thinking we're sitting here eating this bizarre food and that helped me realize there was a need.

I started working on a bar myself but I had no "chef" experience and the stuff I was making was way off nutritionally. So I ended up bringing a food scientist on board and a chef to make sure we dialed in the nutrition and produced something that tasted good too.

A Full Meal Replacement 

Green Belly Bar[10:41] Can you literally eat three a day? 

Yes that is the whole idea eat three of them and you're good to go.

[11:00] It's nice, they are compact and there's nothing you have to do to eat them, no preparation.

The dehydrated meals are great but sometimes they just aren't that convenient. So I really wanted a "non cook" meal plan.

[11:24] I want to talk about the Appalachian Trail for a minute. You through-hiked the trail, is that right? and this is when you came up with the name Greenbelly? What is that all about? 

Yes, I did through hike the AT. The name came from field guides I was reading. I saw a description of a red bellied snake and I kind of liked the name red belly. Then I changed t greenbelly because it seemed to fit better for a food product.

Buy a Meal, Give a Meal

[12:16] I see it says Buy a Meal, Give a Meal what is that about? 

I was inspired by Tom's Shoes. They give a pair of shoes to someone who needs them every time you buy a pair. I wanted to do something with my company to give back so I connected with the Atlanta Food Bank. Anytime someone buys a bar we donate a meal to the Atlanta Food Bank.

[13:27] Other than hikers, who else would benefit from Greenbelly Bars?

Anyone who is traveling, cycling, health conscious and on the go can really get benefit from the bar. Even business people who want a quick easy nutritious lunch would benefit from the bars.

All Natural 

[14:34] The ingredients are all natural right?

Yes, it's all natural and many of them are organic.

[14:47] Have you launched a kick starter program?

Yes, we did launch a kick starter program. The challenge is that everything is made and packaged by hand right now. We're not able to keep with demand. We're hoping that crowd funding will help us expand and keep up with the demand for the bars.

[16:34] If someone wants to purchase a Greenbelly Bar how do you do that?

You can order bars at and we're in about 12 retail stores right now too, mostly on the east coast.

[17:45] What else should we know about these bars?

These really are different and substantially bigger than anything else on the market. They are more nutritious and not made just to "tide you over" these are a full meal replacement in one bar.

Follow Chris On-Line


Twitter: @greenbellybar 

Facebook: GreenBelly

KickStarter: GreenBelly

Sassy Girl Exercise Tune- Up

Engage your Core in the Lunge

[21:54] Hi Jessica!

Hi I'm excited to be back on the show.

[21:57 ]What are we talking about this week?

This week we're talking about the Lunge. A lot of people don't do them properly. One mistake I see people make is they forget to use their core. Lunges do require some pretty solid core strength.
It's common to see some people fall forward at the waist while performing their lunge. It's important to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise.

To keep proper form:

  • Focus on opening your chest by pulling your shoulder blades together.

  • Keep your core tight,

  • draw your belly button in and then up.

Get more awesome tips from Jessica at 

New Show: Funky Fitness Now

Funky Fitness NowCheck out our new show Funky Fitness Now

Jessica Bailey and I explore the weird, wacky and funky things people do to stay fit.

  • Do you know what Doga is?

  • Ever done up your hair, put on a pant suit and headed out on the local bike path to Prancercise?

  • Have you ever wondered how Burpees got their name?

We've covered all of that and more! There's a world of Funky Fitness out there and we plan to discover all of it. Stop by Funky Fitness Now and subscribe to the show so you never miss a wild weird and wacky episode!

It's a lot of fun...hope to see you there!

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Vegan Protein Powder – A Convenient Solution To Your Nutritional Needs

Abs are Made in the Kitchen

Potein ShakeThere's a saying that abs are made in the kitchen. But the truth is, abs are made both in the kitchen and in the gym. This simply underscores the importance of the right diet in achieving the best body you can possibly have. You can invest countless amounts of time and effort into lifting weights or running on the treadmill, but if you do not pay attention to your dietary needs, the effects of exercising would be minimal.

One of the important nutrients that your body needs is protein. Protein can be found in practically all body parts and is integral in building and repairing tissues. It is also vital in regulating a host of bodily functions while serving as building blocks for various cells.

And unlike fats and carbohydrates, the body does not store protein, so you need to consume it on a daily basis. On average, teenage boys and active men need three servings of protein amounting to a total of seven ounces. Children and less active women need two servings of protein amounting to a total of five ounces. Teen girls and active women and most men need two servings of protein amounting to a total of six ounces.

Higher Need for Protein

Take note that if you are exercising or engaged in a sports activity, even as a hobby, your need for protein becomes higher. After a workout or sports activity, your muscles suffer microtears. This is where protein becomes highly useful – in repairing these microtears.

Lean meat, fish, poultry, beans, nuts and whole grains are considered to be among the best sources of protein. However, if you are a vegan, you'll find that your protein sources may be limited or you may end up consuming the same types of food for protein with little variation in between.

This is where a vegan protein powder can prove advantageous. For one, you are assured that you are getting the nutrients your body needs to recover from strenuous activities and help build muscles that make your body stronger.

Next, you are assured that the source of protein comes from natural plant-based sources with no unnecessary ingredients added. A lot of the products you can find in market shelves do provide ample protein for your body. However, upon closer scrutiny, you would see that these have a host of unnecessary additives which may do more harm than good.

Finally, because the protein source is in powder form, you can use it in a variety of ways – in shakes and smoothies, in baked goodies, or by mixing it into your favourite food.

Chelsea SawyerAbout the author: Chelsea Sawyer is a certified health coach. She has been helping many people in changing their behaviors to keep them focused on achieving their health and fitness goals. With great passion for writing, her hobbies include writing and sharing helpful techniques on various health topics. She visits sites like

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Skinny on Sustained Weight Loss

Sustained Weight Loss

In this episode of the Outside Health and Fitness podcast I talk with Dr. Eddie Fatakhov and he shares the skinny on sustained weight loss.

On today's show you’ll discover...

  • ...why fad diets just don’t work

  • you can lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle

  • ... and 5 easy things you can do right now to boost your metabolism and improve your healt

Also Jessica Bailey is back to share a tip on helping you get more from your push-ups in this week’s Sassy Girl Exercise Tune-up.

call the show: 207-370-9797


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About Dr. Fatakhov

Dr FatakhovDr. Eddie Fatakhov is a co-author of The Doctors’ Clinic-30 Program and a member of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians. Dr.Eddie is an expert in the field of nutrition and weight loss. He’s worked as a certified personal trainer,  nutritionist; and helped his clients lose weight by creating individualized exercise routines and meal plans.

As a physician, he is very familiar with the obesity epidemic that is facing this country. Daily, he guides his patients to healthier lifestyle choices, which help prevent disease and improve the overall quality of their lives.

Show Notes

[4:46] Background

Can you give us a background and how you became so passionate about helping people manage their weight?

I was obese as a teenager. After breaking my arm I decided to go the gym and that's where I started getting interested in working out and dieting.

I became a personal trainer a nutritionist and  then went to med school and became a physician. I believe this give me a unique perspective in order to help people.

[6:45] Misconceptions

What are some of the common misconceptions that you hear from people?

The biggest misconception is that people feel that a diet is short term. People need to think about it as a lifestyle. A lot of people who "diet" skip breakfast, then binge eat at night, which is exactly what sumo wrestlers do.

Watch skinny people, what are they doing? They are always eating. I tell people eat six times a day. Three meals and three healthy snacks.

[10:10] Biggest Struggle to Give up

What are some of the things that people really struggle to give up?

It's very hard for people to give up sugar and sugary stuff. Moderation is key to healthy weight loss.

What you really want is a long term solution. Those fad diets don't do it. The only thing that really works is moderation.

[13:27] Psychological Challenges

You see people make a big change, lose a lot of weight but then they slowly, overtime go back to where they were. Is there something psychological going on there?

Hormonal changes and psychological changes can impact the long term success of people who lose a lot of weight. Exercise is also important to help maintain that new weight.

When you lose the weight to quickly you body hasn't had the chance to adjust to it and your hormone levels change and you gain all the weight back.

You can't live on something like Paleo or Atkins for the rest of your life. Having that much protein is not good for you. 60 - 80% of the diet is protein and that just isn't healthy for you.

Paleo man did not live that long. Also everything then was all natural. However the Paleo is still better than the Standard American Diet (SAD). Almost anything is better than SAD.

[17:35] Processed Food

It's really hard to avoid processed food all together.

It is hard. People live in a fast paced world. There are not always enough hours in the day to cook for yourself so in my book I added weight watchers meals and lean cuisines.

Diet dressing and salad dressing really fool people. Some of these dressings are 1000 calories. Your salad is about the same as a Big Mac at that point.

You need 1200 calories a day. Some of these diets that claim you should eat 800 or 500 calories a day are simply depriving your body of the nutrients it needs. These are dangerous plans and unless these are being monitored by a health professional you should not be attempting that.

[23:23] Dr. Eddie Fatakhov's Book

You have a book and a program, is that right?

Eddie FatakhovI co-authored a book and I have a website and blog. This book is in it's fourth edition and I was honored to be a co-author. It's based on the exchange system. it's what Weight Watchers is based on.The difference is I teach you and you can get creative with it on your own.

I don't like the word diet, it's a program or a lifestyle. That's more accurate.

[27:15] How do we get a copy of your book?

Amazon or go to my site. I'm coming out with an audio book too. We self published the book and we're really doing it to help people.

[29:55] Five Things You Can do

Five simple things you can do to maintain a healthy weight.

1 - Eat breakfast

2 - Eat six meals a day, three main meals and three snacks

3 - Physical activity helps maintain weight loss

4 - Be spiritual - Be Happy

5- Get enough good quality sleep

Sassy Girl Exercise Tune - Up

The Push -up and your head position

Often I see people who look down at their feet or they let their head drop while doing a push-up. You're putting to much stress on your neck. Don't look to far out either. Keep your head in a neutral position in line with your spine.


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